Chapret 22: The GAP THAT ALEX MADE

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"So this is our second record, Modern Life is Rubbish." Alex explained. "It's about modern life-"

"Being bad and awful, yeah I het it." Sarah said.

Alex had been playing the band's albums over the s peakers in the bus and Sarah was not having it. The first one Sarah didn't even remember like anything from. Except the Bang one. She liked that on e but she wasnt gonna tell the bassist.

"Well, here we go.." Alex said and he pressed the play button on the system.

Saah liked the whole thing pretty well but only said she dint hate it when he asked. She liked Oily Water the bets and Miss America (for obvious reasons of course) she thought they sounded good.

"So what were your least hated?" Alex asked coyly. He knew how to phrase things for shah, that was for sure.

"Oh well Only Water was ep- it was alright" She almost called it epic but that was beneath her. "And um nd Miss Amercia was like, relatable. I guess..." She was from America and a miss herself.

Alex smiled. "Good taste. Any opinions on the bass?"

"Genius." Sarah smirked, understanding. "Only good part of the whole thing."

Alex pretended to swoon putting the back oh=f his hand to his forehead and the other over his heart . "She likes me, she really likes me!"

Dave looked up from his book an rolled his eyes at is bandmate's theatrics. Saah kinda agreed but at least he was having fun and talking and not reading a book. Ech!

Alex was about to put on another CD but shah said "Hey, why have Grham and Damon been in the back so long? Are they making out or something???" Saah asked jokingly.

Alex coughed and then laughed like eheh "No, no, probably not." His eyes got all faraway for a moment. "They're probably prattling on about synthesizers and guitar pedals or something. You know, normal musician stuff."

Saaha;s eyes had already glazed over before he'd even finished speakfin. Ew. She liked music but she didn't like instruments and stuff. They made cool sounds but she was not interestid in them at all.

"Well I miss them." She noted sticking out her bottom lip

"Are you not-so-subtly telling me to get them out of the back?" Alex asked with. A Intel smile quirking the ends of his lips.

Sarea nodded empathetically.

Alex sighed dramatically and rolled his eyes. "I suppose I can try to drag them out..." He popped up , gave Sarah's head a little pat pat, said "I'll be back," and went to the back and knocked on the door and it opened and he enters it.

Now it was Sarah's turn to sigh. She was basically alone because Dave was ablosuteyl boring and didn't say anything ever it seemed lick.

Oh well she might as well try to make him come out of his cage.

"Hey Dave, whatcha reading?" She asked turning to him where he Was sitting ta the table.

"He looked at her for a second and took off an earmuff thing which was blasting music and said "Huh?"

"I sais, what are you reading??" She overanunciated to him.

"Oh, it's just a Pulpy crime novel," he said. He looked back to it but Sarah wasn't done interrogating him

"What's it about?"


"What kind?"


"Oh cool that sounds interesting."

"Yeah it is." he said slightly pointedly. HE wasn't rude or mean he just seemed really enthralled by it pulled back into the plot.

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