Chapter 2 - A Barbecue in August

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A chilly breeze permeated the air which seeped the town of Friend-lake, bustling with people moving to and fro as typical for a Thursday morning.

'It's supposed to be 15, but why does it feel like 11?!' thought Raj, having crossed the road and taken the first couple steps into a vast urban park. Feeling the soulless breath of Mother Nature upon his wooly hoodie. Failing to provide proper protection, and giving way to the will of the ambient chill.

'Stupid weather...even after our many technological innovations, we STILL couldn't figure you out' Raj thought, as he entered the park with his hands buried in his jacket's pockets.

Going down a well-trodden trail that was laid down before him, it curved to the left and then straightened out on the other end. Passing by, Raj saw a border of trees and shrubs carpeting the edges of the park. Trails branching off from the one he was on, going deeper into the park. Tables bolted to the ground, and paired with some chairs made the scenery to his right, and to his left was the highlight of the park.

A giant tree that jutted out of the ground smack-dab in the middle.

Its majestic presence brought Raj to a halt, and gaze at it in all its glory. Rising to an impressive 20 feet or so, with ancient branches that looked to be as thick as the base of a lamp pole. It was surrounded by wooden benches at the base, overlooking a picnic table that Raj stood a little off to the side of.

'Wow...' Raj thought, as he looked up at the many green leaves that flickered with life.

The chairs, and benches were all largely empty, which gave the place a serene atmosphere.

One that Raj found all too familiar from his days back home.

'This place is nice' thought Raj, as he made a mental note to frequent this park more often before walking down the trail and making it to the other side.

Stepping onto the pavement that bordered the park, Raj looked at the building on the other side and smirked.

'Alright, now to see what that place is all about' Raj thought, as he looked both ways before crossing the road to get to his destination.

One of two, two story buildings that sat next to one another on the right hand edge of town. Built out of old brown bricks, with a dark brown color scheme akin to the color of tea or coffee. The sign over the front porch, fashioned out of wood read "Café Boltzmann".

'Cool name' thought Raj, as he was about to climb up the steps of the porch when the sound of a little girl stopped him in his tracks.


Raj blinked, and looked around thinking 'huh?'


Raj turned around, looking with even greater purpose than before.

'Did someone just say hey?' thought Raj.

"Hey over here!"

The source of the sound was hard for Raj to place, for whatever reason, and seemed to come from everywhere all at once.

"Hello?" asked Raj perplexingly.

"To your left!"

Raj turned to his left, and sitting there behind a plastic foldable table was a girl. No older than 10 years, with short red hair and dressed in some kind of blue uniform with a sash over her shoulder.

'Was she always there?' thought Raj, as he looked at the girl and then around.

"Hey, over here!" said the girl, as Raj looked at the kid.

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