is she ok?

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im on the plane ride back to mexico with alex and ive been thinking a lot

am i really in love with him?

or is this all fake?

i also think hes seeing someone else

but i think its too early for me to be thinking that

is it?



after a long day of flying we are finally home

i want to tell you everything that happened in this exact order.

1pm: we get home

2pm: alex helps me put things away

3pm: don't wanna talk about it

4pm ish: hes texting someone

5pm: still texting??

6pm: hes going out

10 pm: still out?

12pm: he texted me

1 am: hes home


4 weeks later..

i have a sickening feeling hes seeing someone else

just cause hes always out. it doesnt even matter if its on a tuesday, monday, or even wednesday.

i think im gonna confront him about it soon.



george: hello

m: hi hi

g: wyd

m: crying

g: why

m: wyd

g: why are you crying

m: wyd

g:nothing you

now tell me why your crying

m: cool

im crying

g: surprising

m: george when will i see you again

g: soon

m: whens soon?

g: soon

now when will you stream with me

m: rn

g: okay let me get ready


"hey guys its melanie again, thanks for joining and we're basically just gonna troll people on the dsmp" george speaks to his stream.

"my game is lagging give me a second" i mute

is that alex?

"what are you doing in there, melanie?" alex speaks from the other side

"im streaming with george? what did you need?" i ask

"nothing, im getting grocieries ill be back in an hour or two" he says as his footsteps sound fade away

i sit back down and unmute

"sorry george can you check discord real quick?"

"yeah, chat im muting"


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