Part 4

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It's cold and only getting colder.

Bakugou can deal with the lack of light, darkness didn't scare him even if it was annoying to not know your way around a strange home which ended in a lot of bruised toes and shouted swears, but the lack of heat is going to get very, very, annoying very, very, quickly. It's only been an hour and he's already grabbed one of the quilts from his room to wrap around his shoulders, quietly cursing the storm and every higher power that brought him here. He might not freeze to death in his car, but he will surely freeze to death in this house.

"Don't worry," Kirishima rolls his eyes with good humor, something that Bakugou found extra irritating. "I'll start a fire, you can come into the living room and keep warm there. No need to start sharing body heat just yet!"

He doesn't think that Kirishima winks at him, but he might have missed it when his brain shorts out for that split second when he mentioned sharing body heat. Bakugou figures it's best to keep quiet about that, less he brings attention to the way his cheeks heat up. He replaces the slight embarrassment and slight we-will-not-discuss-that-emotion-right-now with his typical rage, letting out a 'tsk' through tightly clenched teeth even as he follows his host down the hall, passing the home gym.

The hall opens up into a large open living room which makes Bakugou pause for a second, surprised by how big the house really is. He didn't get a good look at it the night before given the storm, darkness, and his concussion headache, but now he's impressed and curious once more as to why a single guy lives in such a huge place with just a dog. There's a sliding glass door that leads out to a patio and the forest beyond, everything covered with white and gusts of more falling everywhere. The fireplace is surrounded by a couch and matching loveseat, a small coffee table separating the two at the corner with another tv off-centered near the fireplace. Two doors border the living room, one which Bakugou could only guess would lead to the garage simply by the placement of it, the other he assumed either lead to another bathroom or bedroom, maybe even some sort of study he wasn't sure.

He didn't care enough to ask right now as he watched Kirishima kneel down at the fireplace, grabbing for the stack of wood sitting near it. He gave a soft glare as he took a seat at the end of the loveseat closest to the fireplace in anticipation of the warmth to come, but still cautious.

Honestly, he couldn't help himself if he tried.

"When's the last time you got that inspected?"

Kirishima pauses as he's arranging the wood. "What?" he turns, looking genuinely surprised by the question.

"Inspected. The fireplace. I'd rather stay freezing then burn to death or die of carbon monoxide in my sleep. You didn't even look up--"

"Bakugou," Kirishima let out a short little huff of laughter. "Are you implying I'm going to accidentally kill us?"

"Possible. You might be forgetting something or getting lazy."

Kirishima scoffs. "Snow storms, living in the woods. Being cold happens a lot. This isn't my first fire, you know."

"Not mine either."

That gets him to stop arguing back, at the very least. Kirishima looks at Bakugou for a few seconds, sitting on the couch wrapped up in his quilt with his legs tucked up against his body. He lets his head hang with a heavy sigh, giving in.

"Alright," he stands up, gesturing to the open fireplace. "You're so worried. Be my guest."

Bakugou doesn't hesitate to get up, throwing the blanket from his shoulders as he picks up the flashlight given to him earlier. He ducks his head down into the fireplace, moving the grate aside as he does, looking up with the light, humming softly to himself. It looks clear, clean. He ducks back out, inspects the floor, cleaned off besides some stray ashes and smears of black left behind. The wood also appears good, old, dry logs cut into small enough lengths.

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