Part 12

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For once, the sun wakes him up.

It shines bright as it comes in through a window, stirring him. Bakugou groans as soon as the light hits his eyes. He rolls over, irritated as he pulls the covers up tighter around his body and buries his head under the pillows, trying desperately to not admit his body is likely awake now. Also, he's cold. The blankets only do so much and, with a stretch of his arms, reaching, he comes to the realization that the other side of the bed is empty.

Feeling more aggravated, Bakugou looks up from under the pillow to confirm that the bed that was once occupied by two is now down to one. It's a little jarring. Kirishima didn't seem like the type to not want to wake up together, but Bakugou tries not to blame the other man or let it get to him too much.

Still, he grumbles. He sits up in the bed, glaring as he stares around the room and tries not to focus too hard on the cold side of the bed. It looks different in the daylight; like an actual room and not just a collection of vague shadowy furniture around the borders of his vision in between kisses. He takes in the cream colored walls and the burnt red curtains open at the windows. The bed is big, the furniture a dark looking oak, all thick and worn. Bakugou wouldn't be surprised if they were all hand carved. It seems like it would match with everything else.

There's a basket of blankets in the corner, filled with wool and quilts and throw pillows. It all looks cozy and warm. Looking across at the dresser, there's picture frames all scattered along the top. There's a lot of them, all in different sizes and different styles of frame.

Bakugou moves without realizing it, swinging his legs over the bed. He immediately winces, pain shooting up his back as the full weight of the night before settles across his body. His ass hurts, his lower back throbbing. Looking down, he can clearly see his hips are a little darker with crescent moons cut into his skin. His throat is sore and he needs water on top of all the other injuries he's suffered in the past few days. Maybe, just maybe, they went a little too rough last night. Not that he cares as that was some of the best sex he can remember having in ages, but his body sure does want him to maybe rest just a little bit.

Before he can even stand up, however, one of the unknown doors connected to the bedroom opens up and out curls a humid cloud of steam and a barely towel-wrapped Kirishima. It takes him a second to notice Bakugou's up as he's drying his hair with a towel, shaking out the strands like a dog when he pulls it away.

"Oh," he stops as soon as he notices Bakugou staring back at him, a few stray drops of water now clinging to the other's skin from his shake. "You're up!"

Of course, Kirishima is loud in the morning. His smile is bright, charming. There's a lot of bruising around his chest that's shaped like Bakugou's mouth. He's still damp and nearly naked. Bakugou really, really, wants to kiss him.

Instead, he huffs because he's cold and irritated and woke up alone. "Where were you?"

Kirishima's smile falters, the corners of his mouth twitching downward at the harsh tone being taken with him. Bakugou only feels slightly guilty about it. "Well, I woke up early to take Riot out. And then you were sleeping so well, I didn't want to disturb you because you've obviously not been sleeping well. I took a shower real quick hoping you'd stay asleep a little longer..."

Bakugou feels more guilty. Because of course Kirishima was only considering his dog and then him in his actions. He was probably going to make Bakugou coffee or some shit before he woke up too. Maybe even crawl back into bed with him so he wouldn't wake up along and here Bakugou was ruining his plans and being a little bitch about it. Fuck.

His shoulders lose that sharp tension in them, slumping back against the headboard. "You could have just woken me up," he pouts.

"I'm sorry," Kirishima apologizes like he's actually done something wrong. He hasn't at all. He's been a good pet owner and been a Fuckbuddy? One night stand? He's not sure which phrasing works in this sort of situation. "Next time, I'll make sure you know I'm getting up."

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