Season 1 ~ Episode 1

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"Kate, I said I'm sorry!" My uncle Martin told my aunt as I trailed behind him, clutching into my bags.

"Well there's not a lot we can do about it now, is there?" My aunt Kate asks him, looking around.

"Well there is, I can apologise for shouting at you, which I have. And you could forgive me and we could all try and enjoy this holiday."

"I don't think being sarcastic is going to help." Kate replied as we all sat down at a table.


"Aunt Kate, please try and be positive. I haven't seen you both in ages and I would like to spend some time with you all without you being upset."

Kate gave me a nod and a small smile, then turned back to Martin and scowled at him.

"She's right you know." I heard him mumble.

We had sat down at the table in silence for a while, looking at the menu. That was until we noticed two older people sit on our table.

"Morning." The man said.

"Morning." Replied Martin.

"Donald Stuart. This is my wife, Jacqueline. Do you mind if we join you? The Germans will be down in a minute, and the females can be a bit whiffy this time of the morning."

Kate scrunched up her face whilst i gave a look of confusion.

Donald continued, "I've nothing against overweight women per se. But, not when they smell of sausage."

Kate's face was still filled with a look that signalled that she was disturbed but then Martin decided to speak up.

"I'm Martin. This is Kate and this is our niece (Y/n)." He said gesturing towards us.

I gave a small wave, "Hello."

"Good to know you." Donald replied.

"Are you poolside?" Jacqueline asked us.

Kate looked back and forth between the couple, "Poolside?"

"Do you mean if our apartment overlooks the pool?" I asked them making them respond with a nod.

"Nope. Apparently we're overlooking the wheelie bins and our rooms not ready." Kate replied rather aggressively, making me nudge her to indicate that she had to be more polite.

"Oh, God! One to twenty six. Check your toilet when you get in, they don't flush." Donald mentioned as I scrunched up my face. Great.

"When were we there?" Donald asked Jacqueline.

" '96." She told us, "We got here at 3:00 in the morning and Donald went to spend a penny. And there was a shite looking up at him, the size of a tuna baguette."

"Terrible, would not flush! We had to sleep with the balcony door open."

I gave my aunt and uncle a look of disgust but they were too busy listening to what Jacqueline had to say next.

"We got to the Wednesday and Donald had to tackle it himself with a pointed stick. Did you try the black pudding? It's very good." They looked down at there food and started to eat.

I put down my menu down and looked at Kate, "I'm not hungry anymore." I whispered to her.

"We'll get something later (Y/n/n)." She whispered back, wrapping an arm around me.


Breakfast was over and we still had not been given a room so we were sitting in the sun on sun beds.

Too cool for the summer ~ A Benidorm story Where stories live. Discover now