Season 1 ~ Episode 2

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I was the morning, me and Martin were sitting on the sofa watching tv. I noticed that Kate had walked in and leaned against the door but I didn't say anything to her and instead, turned my head back. Kate then decided to turn the tv off making me turn my head back towards her and scowl.

"That was uncalled for." I decided to say. Kate just crossed her arms.

"Uh... we were... we were watching that." Martin told her, making me want to slap him. When is he going to learn to stand up for himself?

"What are we all doing here, Martin?" Kate asked him.

"We're here to spend some time together. Sort things out. And I thought it would be appropriate to bring (Y/n) along as well so that she could maybe have some time to reflect on her family problems. I thought you loved (Y/n), Kate?"

"Don't turn this around on me Martin, I do love (Y/n). I really do. But did you really think bringing us here would help to sort things out? You must be out if your mind." Kate complained.

"Don't be like that." Martin gave Kate an awkward smile.

"She's been like this since we arrived here." I groaned.

"Don't be rude (Y/n)." Martin pointed at me. "Just, look at the sun. Let's enjoy it."

"You enjoy it, Martin. I'm booking on the first available flight home, and (Y/n) will be coming with me." Kate told him, but before she could disappear back into her room I decided to speak up.

"No I'm not. I've actually been having a decent time, unlike you. If you do go, I'll be staying with Uncle Martin." Martin wrapped an arm around me and gave me a big smile as to say 'thank you'.

"Fine. Suit yourself." Kate said before turning around and going back to where she came from.

"How much longer is she going to be like this? It's giving me a headache." I put my head into my heads making Martin sigh.

"Just... try not to let her get to you ok? I at least want someone to enjoy this holiday and I think it's only fair that you should be able to."

"Thank you." I tell him, "Can I go to the pool?"

He nods and I thank him, getting changed into my swimming costume and grabbing my pool items. I get down to the pool and sit on the sun bed that is next to these two men that look like they are a couple. They turn to look at me and one of them speaks up.

"Wait, you're the one that helped that pregnant girl when she fainted!" They point at me. "That was brilliant by the way. You know, how you took charge and acted more mature than any of the adults there."

I blushed embarrassed, "That was me, thanks for noticing. My aunt and uncle definitely didn't."

The other one speaks up, "Wait! Is your aunt that lady that looked miserable the whole day yesterday?"

"Yes. It most likely was." I reply which makes him laugh.

"Well, I'm glad we can agree on something. I'm Gavin, and this is my boyfriend Troy."

"Nice to meet you both!" I reply, "I've been hoping to meet some more people, since my family clearly doesn't have enough time for me."

They both look at each other, until Gavin speaks up again. "You know, we saw how your aunt grabbed your arm and pulled you upstairs last night. Is everything ok with her?"

"I think so. It was probably just one of her bad moods." I reply.

"I see. And by the sounds of it your parent's aren't with you?"

Too cool for the summer ~ A Benidorm story Where stories live. Discover now