Season 1 ~ Episode 3

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It was now morning and I had told Janice that I was going to go to my room to get changed and then come back. We were planning to just have a simple day at the pool so I planned to put on my swimsuit and bring my beach bag. I unlocked the door to where Kate and Martin were staying and walked in only to see that they were sitting on the couch, again. Kate was holding a phone and was looking stressed. I tried to tiptoe past them but they automatically noticed me trying to be quiet and just looked at me.

"(Y/n) just so you know, we are trying to book plane tickets to get out of here. This whole trip was a big mistake and I think yesterday definitely proved my point, so I'd suggest you make sure your packed just in case." Kate tells me, making me scowl. What? But I want to stay here.

I decide to just ignore her and walk to my part of the apartment, putting on my swimwear and grabbing my items. As I go to walk out Kate puts her hand out, as if to tell me to stop moving.

"Didn't you listen to me? I said that we are trying to book plane tickets to get out of here and that you should be packed and ready just in case we are able to. I never said make more of a mess, did I?"

I look her in the eye. "No Kate. YOU are trying to book plane tickets to get out of here, not Martin. I can't believe he even still puts up with you and how you treat him, he has tried his best to make your god awful marriage work but you are just ungrateful every single time. I won't be packing, I am going to go down to the pool with The Garvey's and I'm going to have fun."

I turn my back away from then and walk out the door, finding The Garvey's outside of theirs, waiting for me.

"What took you so long love?" Janice kindly asks me.

"Let's just say I gave my aunt a well deserved small speech." I say proudly, making Mick cheer and pat me on the back.

"Wahey! Atta girl!" He says.


It has now been a while since we arrived at the pool and I have been sitting on a sun bed next to Chantelle's, with my eyes closed. This has probably been the most relaxed I have felt ever since we got here. But that obviously doesn't last long because as I open my eyes, I notice a woman with dark hair approach Madge.

"Sorry. Have you got a moment?" The woman asks Madge.

"Yeah, what do you want, love?" Madge replies.

"Can I talk to you about melanoma?" I cringe slightly at what the woman just said.

"No, I don't know her, darling." I snort slightly, trying not to attract any attention.

"I'm sorry?"

"I don't know her."


"Melanie. What was her second name?"

This conversation is just going round and round in circles.

"Oh, no. 'Melanoma'. It's a form of skin cancer."

"Oh, I'm sorry, darling." Please, I'm trying my absolute hardest not to laugh and I can tell Chantelle is as well. "Still, if she's on holiday. It'll take her mind off it, won't it?"

"Take whose mind of what?" I can not tell who is dumber at this point.

"You're friend whose got cancer."

"No, my friend hasn't got cancer." I wish everybody would stop talking about cancer now.

"What's all the fuss about, then?"

"No, I'm sorry. Can we start again?"

"Oh, I'd rather you didn't, love. I'm sorry you can't find your friend, but there's not a lot I can do about it." What amazes me is that Madge has done this whole conversation whilst smoking a cigarette.

Too cool for the summer ~ A Benidorm story Where stories live. Discover now