Not in my domain

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What could be the hardest and heart-pounding events that a person could experience in his life? It was when that person finally has an interaction with his long-time love and knows that you have to make an impression that will make him interested in you.

However, impressions were either bad or good so one should make full use of them. Ensure that all actions were up to the good side.

"Shopping again?" his assistant asks.

"Yes. My Alpha will come to the studio this Monday. I need to look good." he said with a full smile on his face, his eyes sparkling like a collector who will finally get that limited edition bag.

"Why don't you wear your designs?" he said, "that way Mr. Salvians won't suspect that you're only flirting with him."

"Why do you have such a foul mouth but a genius? Help me choose my outfit." Seth was already immune to his assistant's foul mouth. At this point, it's a normal conversation for them.

They went to the room at the end of the corridor, the only door painted gold. Inside was a variety of clothes he designed himself, with himself as the muse. He often designed depending on the customer's request but most of the time he designed just for fun.

Clothes were arranged based on color, style, and theme. Shoes were placed inside a glass cabinet, neckties were rolled and put inside a small box covered with glass along with tie pins and cuffs. In the middle of the room were sets of watches, rings, necklaces, and bracelets.

"Should I wear this matte black professional look or this yellow and white flirty look?" he waited with much excitement, he really wanted to wear the second outfit. He imagined Mr. Salvians drooling on him if he wears it. Just thinking about it makes his omega glands heat up.

"If you want a bad impression then wear the flirty look." while speaking his assistant went to get a white sheer long sleeve with embroidered flowers from shoulder to chest. It looks like spilled flowers from the vase. Elegant yet innocent, this was perfect to hide any impure intention.

His bottom was simple plain black trousers partnered with white sprinkled black shoes; it was like a star scattered in the night sky.

"Oh! Ali has a great sense of fashion." he was looking at himself in a life-size mirror, admiring and wondering how on earth he become this pretty and slender. "My alpha will love this."

Before he was confirmed to be an omega, he was all muscles and abs. He was sporty to the point of getting injured but when he reached fifteen, signs of him being an omega were shown. His parents thought he was an Alpha and so they pass on him the inheritance at an early age but when the results came out his father took it all back.

The SeCa Fashion was his sweat and blood. He rises to the top because of his own struggles and hard work. He proves to everyone that an Omega can surpass an Alpha. In a world where alpha was put on a high pedestal, an omega rising over them was a great taboo. In the eyes of many, the omega's function was reproduction – a breeding tool to increase the Alpha-Omega population.

Sadly, one of those Alpha that he overtakes was Cade Salvians.

"I am an assistant of a fashion designer; I am expected to be good at it," Alexis said with an emotionless face.

"Ah! You're no fun... I sent you the proposal for Project Je t'aime, prepare a copy for our visitor."

"The boss sending the proposal to the assistant. I hope Mr. Salvians will have more future projects with you," he said in a sarcastic tone.

"The assistant mocking the boss, I would have fired you if you were not my friend," he replied with double sarcasm.

"Please do so... spare me from seeing your love-sick side."

"Ali... can you bear to leave me? Your friend who loves you the most?" he acts all cutesy, doing the baby voice and pouty lips. He knew Alexis will not leave him.

Alexis walks out of the room not wanting to spend any seconds more or he will vomit again after seeing that cute gesture of his friend. They were friends since high school and thus, his calvary started during that time.

Seth was actually the best friend he ever had. Born with a silver spoon but still, strive to make a name for his own. No help from his parents just pure patience and labor. He saw him during his down moments and he saw him in his happy moments but only when his friend mentioned Mr. Salvians, he had seen the brightest smile from him.

He wished his friend well but he also hopes that one day that Alpha will learn to love his friend back. He wanted Seth to be the happiest, the only thing he could wish for was to be a friend he held dear like a brother.

Monday came and Seth was preparing for his presentation. Even if the proposal was due to his impulse of chasing his alpha, he was still a known figure and he needs to be professional when dealing with Mr. Salvians. He can flirt after presenting the proposal.

His office only employs ten-person including Alexis. His tailors were a group of single mothers, both beta and omega, who were paid per project, all fabrics were bought from a small company that employs an older person. Those who did not witness his early struggles said that Seth was an arrogant and full of himself kind of person but little did they know that this human being had a soft heart for those vulnerable persons.

"Boss, Mr. Salvians is here." his female staff informed him.

"Let them in," he instructed while his heart was beating so hard. Who can calm down in this situation? His alpha was stepping into his domain, it was a happy day.

The door to a small meeting room opens once again and a man with a towering height entered in. He was wearing navy blue formal wear with white inner cloth. The man looks so ethereal as if flowers were thrown at him by the angels.

Seth falls dazed seeing this wonderful view but was returned to reality after Alexis gave him a light elbow.

"Hello! Mr. Salvians." he stretched his hand expecting a handshake but his ethereal Alpha just walk past him. The hand that was raised was left hanging in the air. Having no choice, he put down his hand acting like he did not raise it at all.

Ouch! Why wouldn't he just shake my hand? That was embarrassing.

"Please sit down, Mr. Salvians." he gestured his hand to the chair in front. "Would you like something to drink?"

Mr. Salvians sits down and like he was allergic to being in such a place for too long he said, "You have five minutes to sell your proposal to me."

What? Five minutes? This Alpha is showing his dominance to me. Then, honey, let the games begin.

"Okay. Everyone, get out. Mr. Salvians and I will discuss this privately." he said while looking straight into Mr. Salvians's eyes. "Nobody enters until we're done."

"No need. They can list-"

"No. They need to leave. Out. Everyone." giving emphasis to his every word uttered with his one brow raised.

I like you Alpha but don't challenge me in my own territory!

"Shall we begin, Mr. Salvians?"


Message to the readers:

Seth: Hi! pretty and sexy readers... don't hate my Alpha, okay? but don't love him either. Hmmm... maybe you can hate him a little and love him a little. I can only share 1% of him with everyone.

Cade: I don't want to be shared!

Seth: *whispers [this is for rating baby]

Cade: [*pouts his lips] ONLY 1%!


Sept 6

Crazy Rich Omega [original novel - COMPLETED in GoodnNovel site]Where stories live. Discover now