Will you...? [Jasper] part 1

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Before Piper, knelt Jason on one knee, holding a small jewellery box.

Piper's heart thumped in her chest, almost hurting her ribs. The smile that spread across her face was larger than any she'd ever smiled before.

Jason wore a clean, black and blue (not white and gold) tuxedo. His hair was smoothed back with gel, and he smelled amazing.

"Piper McLean," Jason smiled.

He opened the box.

What was inside made her frown. A small folded piece of paper sat their. Not a wedding ring.

"Will you please send this to your father?"

Pioer bit her lip to stop the tears from flowing, and took the note. "Sure." Then she slowly walked away to get the letter sent. She didn't read it, couldn't be bothered.

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