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Draco has been abused by his dad since he was 6, his mother never really cared about him. Everybody knew the Malfoys as 'The Perfect Family.' The Wizarding World knew Draco had a twin sister who was older than him by 2 minutes. She was the favorite child, even though she was given everything she wanted, she wasn't a bratty snob, she helped Draco after he gotten beaten up by his father, asked the house elves to help him when Draco was left in the dungeons (mainly because her father forbid her to go down and there was a spell that didn't allow her to go in). Believe it of not the other people who helped them were Tom Riddle and Severus Snape. His parents weren't sent to Azkaban due to the Mistiry of Magic believing that they were put under a curse, to help Voldemort.

Voldemort isn't dead, Severus and Milly (Draco's sister) helped him after they believed he was dead.. Tom had stopped doing bad things and married Severus, they also are planning to adopt Draco and Milly but the Malfoys won't allow it...
Milly goes to Hogwarts for their 8th year do to the war, Milly gets sorted into Slytherin, but she's a nice Slytherin...? Everyone in Hogwarts likes her, even the Griffindors talk to her, especially 'The Golden Trio.' Ginny and Luna are dating, Ginny lost feelings for Harry during 6th year and decided to tell Harry. Harry was upset but got over it. Lucius decides to becomes The Assistant Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher(DADA), so he can keep a close eye on Draco.(Lucibit-- I mean Lucius doesn't really care if Milly makes friends with other houses as he thinks she's using them for an evil plan (dunno why just made it up).

What happends if Milly gets popular in school..?
What will happen is Sirius Black became the Assistant Teacher for Potions....?
What if Sirius knows about Lucius & Cissy abusing Draco..?
What if Bella and Sirius are totally obsessed with their Nefew..?
What if Bella became The DADA Teacher..?
More on Info page since I ran out of room.

More Info:
Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Severus are alive, Dumbledore is dead but he can turn into a ghost and be in a painting.

Draco's half bee and cat and can get preg (he's a bottom and has more feminine features but covers it up in a charm, I thought I'd be cute if he was half bee soz--)
Draco can turn into a bee, have bee antlers and wings whenever he wants it, can change back. Needs Pollen/Nectar from time to time so he keeps a flower on his hair, and loves going outside, when he needs Nectar/Pollen he gets a stinging feeling in his head, he will have been wings and bee antlers (don't know what's its called) and can't change back until he is near a flower patch. He has his own private dorm near the flower patch, the teachers know about this. The code word for this is 'I think I have butterfly's in my stomach.' And to everyone else it seems like he's saying he's sick.

Y/N will be here, Y/N is gonna can be any gender you want it to be, any pronouns you want Y/N to be and any house.
Y/N is Draco's cousin and is friends with nearly everyone in Hogwarts. If you don't have a nickname it would be put as Y/N|Y/NN by this you can choose if you want to put your name or nickname. 

Ah, Luci and Cissy are homophobic.

Y/N: Your Name
Y/G: Your Gender
Y/S: Your Sexuality
Y/P: Your Pronouns.
Y/HG: Your House Group
Y/N: Your Nationality
Y/N: Your Number (Please don't put your Phone Number in the comments)
Y/A: Your Age (Remember that they are between 16-17 and I'm making Draco Younger than Ginny and Lunar cuz why not- So Draco's 15, his birthday is in May 12, and it's September 9th)
Y/NN: Your Nickname

I think this is it. Check back incase I add more Info. :)

When you lot going back to school..? Or are you already in school..?
I'm going 8th September.
Answer here: ->

This will depend on if I'm on an ipad or phone.

Ipad: Thoughts
Phone: (Thoughts)

Ipad: A/N: Author note. Or, (A/N: Author note)
Phone:A/N: Author Note. Or, (A/N: Author note)
Author notes will always have A/N, no matter where in the story I put them.


Ipad: Parseltounge
Phone: *Parseltounge*

Also please note this is MY AU, so no hate please, Draco's a Bottom. There will be smut, but I won't write smut mainly cuz I don't know how. I have Autocorrect on, but it may change some words, sometimes I will post late mainly because my baby sis is asleep and she just wakes up randomly. None of my family knows I have Wattpad.

This is how Dracos wings look like but it doesnt have fire

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This is how Dracos wings look like but it doesnt have fire. His bee attena thing is dangling  over its black and on the tip it has a yellow fluffy ball.

 His bee attena thing is dangling  over its black and on the tip it has a yellow fluffy ball

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This is how Draco looks like but with Blond hair and Lighter blue eyes with Grey specks.

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