The Train Ride

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Y/N: Your Name
Y/G: Your Gender
Y/S: Your Sexuality
Y/P: Your Pronoun.
Y/HG: Your House Group
Y/N: Your Nationality
Y/N: Your Number (Please don't put your Phone Number in the comments)
Y/A: Your Age (Remember that they are between 16-17 and I'm making Draco Younger than Ginny and Luna cuz why not- So Draco's 15, his birthday is in May 12, and it's September 9th)
Y/NN: Your Nickname

Ipad: A/N: Author note. Or, (A/N: Author note)
Phone:A/N: Author Note. Or, (A/N: Author note)
Author notes will always have A/N, no matter where in the story I put them.

Ipad: Thoughts
Phone: 'Thoughts'



Ipad: Parseltounge
Phone: *Parseltounge*

Draco is 4'11 and Milly is 5'4.

⚠️Warning, there may be mention of abuse and homophobia.⚠️


$-$ Millys POV $-$

I woke up in my bed still in my clothes, i was surprised at first untill last night memories came back to me. I tried to get the memories out of my head, I didnt want to imagine Draco lying on the floor half dead, covered in blood.. I finally stood up and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

×~× Draco's POV ×~×

I woke up not knowing where I am. I started to panic and quickly shot up just to be greeted by dizziness and black dots covering my eyes. I rested a bit, and the black dots disappeared, I looked around to see me in my room. I let out a sigh of relief. I quickyly realized that today we were going Hogwarts. Yes, 'we' me and my sister is going and shes joining me year, mainly because she wants to protect me. I also heard Auntie Bella and Uncle Siri,(A/N: Sorry, it was a good opportunity- 😭) were coming to teach at Hogwarts. When the letter came to us it said, they were going to try this muggle thing called 'Assistant Teachers,' so im looking forward to that. Anyways, Auntie Bella, is the new DADA teacher, there is an Assistant but I dont really know who it is, Uncle Siri is going to the Assistant Potions Teacher, I'll enjoy seeing Professor Snape and Black bickering. 

-^- In The Compartments Because Im Lazy. -^-

#^# Still Dracos POV #^#

I was sitting in the compartment lying down on my sisters shoulder drawing in my sketch pad while she was reading a book. Then, I heard the compartment door open, I didnt mind it at first until i heard,

"Who is that Malfoy, your girlfriend..?" Potter asked.

I looked up at Potter and stared emotionlessly in his eyes, then looked back at my sketch book, and started to talk back when Weasley said,

"Mate, thats Milly, Malfoys sister- only somepeople know and its mostly purebloods."

"Wow, I see your finally using your brain for once Weasley!" I answered back sarcastically.

"Oh you-- Prat!!" Weasley started saying until my sister cut her off.

"Stop it you two!! I dont want anybody fighting, because i for one hate fights and seeing other people fight!!" She shouted looking up from her book, not before folding the corner to mark the page and shutting the book.

"Now!! If you lot dont mind im trying to read!! Now if you want to stay in the compartment you can!! But I dont want to hear any bickering!! Especially, you Draco!!" She said, looking at everybody, but at the last part she looked at me.

"But-" I started.

"No" She said while cutting me off.

"Fine..." I said rolling my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at your older sister Draco!!" She said.

"Whatever.. Sorry.." I replied not wanting to get on her bad side.

%^% Harrys POV %^%

"Whatever.. Sorry.." Malfoy replied to Milly.

We were all shocked, Malfoy never apologized before, once we got out of our shock we sat opposite of them minding if our own business, but I couldnt help staring at the younger platinum blonde haired boy. He looked different, his features are more feminine..

A/N: Sorry it took long i didnt have any ideas and i was just so busy.

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