Part 1

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Sierra's POV

My name is Sierra Lovato. I know I know go freak out, message all your friends scream for fucks sake if you want. Yes, sister to the Demi Lovato, Dallas Lovato, and Maddie De La Garza. But, this story isn't for them, they all have enough fame as is. It's my turn, the forgotten Lovato's turn. I don't have any fame. I was kept a secret most of my life. My last name isn't Lovato actually it's simply Gonzalez but I just say Lovato instead. My mom Dianna making the effort to keep me hidden decided I would have a fake last name. Well at least I got a good one. I learned Spanish when I was really young so I could talk to my om in a language my sisters can't understand. I'm not the most social person at all as you could assume. This is my story, it's my turn for once.

"Sierra come on the bus gets here in 10 minutes!" Came the shouts from my younger sister Maddie. Sweet as she is she certainly can piss me off a lot. I pulled myself from my bed beginning to change. once i got my pants on I saw my stomach. Fat. The only word I could think of at that time. I reached into one of my drawers pulling out a razor head. I wasn't able to pry the blades out so I just use it like this. I made 2 marks over lapping the ones from yesterday in the shower. I quickly placed a paper towel and a bracelet to hold the paper towel on on my wrist and went to grab my usual outfit. A hoodie, some random ass shirt and jeans getting ready and quickly grabbing my book bag. Running downstairs I grabbed an apple and told my mom I was leaving " Mami, me voy a la escuela, hasta luega!" to which she replied "Okay baby and Demi is gonna be home this afternoon so don't go to the skate park please?" she said to which I sighed but nodded and walked out tossing the apple and hopping on the bus. I sat and zoned out until we arrived. walking into school I sat in my first period, math. I am not good at math so I prepared myself sitting unfortunate in the second row to the front. The teacher said we couldn't sit in the back and I came a little late on the first day so I got stuck in the front. The teacher began to teach and soon enough it was period after period for the rest of the day until the end of the day. I sighed and grabbed out my phone and ear buds listening to music on the walk home. Finally arriving I opened the door taking my earbuds out and looking around the house. Hearing my mom shout for me I sighed, walking into the kitchen where stupid Demi sat. Everyone thinks Demi is such an angel but I got sick of it years ago. I just don't like them because if they say you did something you automatically did it and I just got sick of it when I was about 7, I'm 14 now. Rolling my eyes I sit down as far away from both of them as possible. "Sierra Gonzalez we do not roll our eyes in this house!" I sighed "My last name is Lovato not Gonzalez." I said simply looking down out my phone staring at the chat I had with some other people. Not people that go to my school just people who all love music. And....also post covers on YouTube and maybe maybe not write a few hit songs. Yeah, I have written a couple hit songs for different artists. Mostly rappers although also I wrote one of the songs on Maniac for Halsey. My family doesn't know and no one does. I didn't want the fame at the time. I'm still not 100% sure I want it now but we will see. Winter messaged me privately asking if I was working on any music. I replied with a thumbs up and was about to say what I was working on but Demi interrupted me. "Legally your name is Sierra Gonzalez not Sierra Lovato" I got mad at that remark from their sly mouth "Dios mio, cierra la boca mi apellido es Lovato, joder!"  My mom looked at me "Sierra Gonzalez we do not talk to our family in sick a rude manner" and she held her hand out for my phone to which I quickly finished my message to Winter and let the group chat know I'd be gone for a while since I told my sister to shut the fuck up and then hid the chats. I did all of this in a few seconds as I had a few short cuts that would send these messages and hide the chats. Powering my phone off I handed it over with a smile on my face. Smiling I said "Hello Demetria and Mother I'm presuming you would like me to exit this room and enter me bedroom for the rest of today?" I said formally causing them both to look shocked but my mom to nod and I walked up. Sitting down I grabbed my guitar and song book from beneath my mattress. I began to play one of my new songs "Down the Aisle" it's about not having a good father. When I finished I added some lyrics to a song I was working on for a label I helped out with occasionally writing songs. When I was done I made sure my door was closed and grabbed the razor head making more marks across my left wrist. When I was done I cleaned up and laid down hugging a teddy Demi got me at one point. Before our rivalry began. I fell asleep for the rest of the day. Another day without eating. I was doing good.
Hey! Welcome suggestions and opinions welcome in the comments please vote and share all that bull shit I usually say at the beginning. Also I actually wrote a poem called Down the Aisle about exactly that so if u want I'll share it later. Let me know! Enjoy the book!


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