Part 21

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                                        Silas POV
my baby got  up to blow out the candles. "Happy birthday baby" I said and Ali kissed our beautiful daughters forehead. Everyone smiled and someone began to cut the cake. "Come on Babe I've got something to show you" I said and my baby walked with me. We drove the short way and got out "Come on Dallas let's go see your aunt" I said calling to the 7 year old in the back. She popped out a moment later and when we got there I sighed. "Hey Dally. Another year passed. 10 years now. Your niece had her 7th birthday." I said rubbing the top of the gravestone. Dallas bent down and kissed the front setting the flowers we brought down along with a toy she had insisted on leaving for her aunt. I stood up to grab Dallas's hand. She quickly whispered something to the grave and we walked back home. 10 years. 7 since I fucked up and got myself raped with a kid, and now I have Dallas. I love her so so much she looks just like Dallas did but I wish I hadn't gotten pregnant so young. At the end of the day I laid down in my bed and whispered "I love you Dally" before falling asleep.

Yeah. Idk why I decided teen parent but I did. Happy Pills will be started when I get home (5 or 6 ish) I hope you all liked and pls pls go onto my message board or comment and follow? It makes my day when people do


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