Part 20

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                                  nobody's POV

"Daughter, sister, friend to all may she rest peacefully" was heard as everyone dressed in black sat there most crying Demi, Silas, and Maddie all sobbing. As they buried the casket you could hear a scream from Silas. A scream of pain, aching for her to come back again, hug them and tell them everything was ok. Ali leaned over to Silas embracing them in her warm arms although anyone couldn't miss the tear that ran down her cheek. At the end everyone left still crying. Dallas, Dally, D whatever you called her was gone now. And nobody wanted to accept it.


Hey sorry it's so incredibly short. The next 2 (maybe just one?) are going to be quite short as well. I've decided what story I'm doing next. It will be called "Happy Pills" I think. I'm thinking of only doing one more chapter. PLEASE PLEASE INTERACT ON MY MESSAGE BOARD AND DROP COMMENTS. I feel like I'm writing and talking to no one other wise lol.


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