At The Studio #2

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Beep beep beep.....

My alarm went of it was half 6 in the morning, I lay in my bed for 10 minutes checking my phone I went onto twitter to find that everyone new that we were going to the studio today, I hate when everyone nows because then they all gather around you and try to take pictures I will always be polite to the fans but it gets annoying, my mum and dad handle it realy good but I cant seem to get used to it, it was 20 to 7, I jumped into a shower, when I got out I dryed my self and made my way to my cupboard I picked out a pair of high waisted white jeans with a plane pink crop top, with my white cover up top which has hols in it so you could see my pink top under it, I didnt need a jacket as it was 56° outside so it was pretty warm, when I was ready I went down stairs with my bags and put it next to the door with my parents bags, my mum was wearing the outfit we bought her, my dad was wearing a blue polo shirt with his blue jeans and his jordans, I grabed my new leather white vans from the shoe rack and put them on, my mum told me to sit on the couch so she could fix my hair, "andi take a banana for the car were not going to have time to eat a proper breakfast" my mum said whilst putting my hair up, I got up and went to the bath room I put some foundation,  powder, bronzer,  mascara and some lip gloss on, I could her mum on the phone saying that we had already left so I got my stuff and ran down stairs, we went out to the car and drove of, " why dont you phone hannah and tell her we are on our way" mum said whilst looking down at her phone, I shoved the rest of my banana in my mouth and text hannah,

Hey thats us on our way so be ready for us coming xx

Ok im putting on my shoes xx

Ok my mum said were going to the studio for a few hours and then we can go xx

Thats fine you know im your mums biggest fan any way xx

We will be at yours in 5 minutes xx

Ok ill make my way out side with my stuff xx

Ok see ya soon bye xx

Bye xx

We got to hannahs she was wearing a black skater skirts with a pink bralet and a pink and black shool with flower on it, with her black leather vans, "hi hannah have you got everything you need for 2 weeks" my mum said whilst smiling at hannah, " yeah thanks for taking me with yous, hannah said with an even bigger grin on her face " well you know your always welcome with us" my mum said whilst looking at us both, me and hannah have been friends since 1st grade and she has been in every class of mine since then, the bad thing is she lives 20 minutes away from me so its kinda hard to get to each other sometimes, my mum loves hannah and she called her her little banana I think my mum sees her as an other daughter sometimes because she always coming to the studio with us, on holiday and even on tours and concerts, hannah gets all my mums merchandise for free and I do to oveously,

We got to the studio at 5 past 8, my mum went straight into the recording room, there was a starbucks across the road so my dad gave me money before he left, he was going to a meeting close by, me and hannah got 3 carmel frappies one for me, hannah and my mum, my gran never came around early enough to say good by so me and my mum face timed her for a bit and then my mum went back to work, me and hannah always get to play with the sound boards and we get to sometimes sing back up for my mum, I can hit all the notes my mum can but I need some help with them and hannah can sing also so we get to record sometimes to, my mum was recording her new song called 'why try' so me and hannah got to be the back up singers, about 3 hours later we weredoneand my dad was back, our flight was at 12 so we had to leave, the best being a celebritys  is that you get your own privat airplane or you get to go first class, we got our own airplane because we were going around the world we were flying to london because mum is doing a nicki minaj concert they are singing bang bang together with jessie j to, I see them as my aunties now because we get on well,

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