christmas eve #31

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Andi p.o.v.

It was christmas eve I got a shower and got dressed I put on black jeans and a baby pink fluffy jumper, hannah got up before me and had already got dressed, I walked down stairs mum and hannah were in the kitchen, I was looking over the balcony,  my mum would put the mail on the living toom table but none was their, eaither we had none or she hadnt been out yet,"hannah" I shouted, she came up stairs I pulled her into the bedroom, "ok do you know if mums been out to get the mail yet" I whispered,  "no shes not why" hannah whispered back,  "well her present might be here so can you distract her whilst I go check" I asked, "sure but how" she asked me, "well see that cut you have on your ankle pick it and make it bleed, she hated blood and she will literally disinfect it, cover it and she might evenput a bandage on it" I explained, "fine" hannah started pcking at her scab / blister, it started gushing of blood, "ok you ready" I said,

"Muuuuuum" I yelled running down stairs, "what" she jumped, "hannahs cut things gushing of blood, shes in the bedroom" I said, my mum ran up stairs, "Omg, Omg, Omg" I heard her from up stairs, I quickly sneaked out side, the mail box was full, I left the normal fan and important letters in the box and took the presents out, I looked in the living room window, mum had hannah sitting on the kitchen counter fixing her cut, I opened the door quietly,  "andi will you get the plasters from the bathroom up stairs" my mum asked, "sure" I ran up staired put the presents under my bed and went and got the plasters, I went down stairs and my mum fixed hannah up, "so how did it re-open" my mum asked, "uuuum I did the splits and the carpet opened it up" hannah said, "wheres dad" I asked, "hes visiting his mother, he was going to ask if you wanted to go but you need your sleep" my mum said, "ok" I said,  I went up stairs with hannah,  I pulled out the packages,  my grans coat was their and my mum chocker was there also, "their so pretty" hannah said, we both wrapped, labled and put them under the tree downstairs, "whats that" my mum asks she was watching 21 jump street on the couch with some chocolate ice cream and coco on her lap,  "all your presents for tomorrow" hannah said,"your gran and that will be round for dinner at 5, your dads having dinner with his perants so he willbe back later on tonight as they live far away" mum explained,  we both got ice cream and joined my mum, after the movie we put on 22nd jump street, frankie, gran and ollie came in, gran had cooked dinner already we just had to put it on plates, we all sat around the tv watching all the santa clause movies, for starters we had grans home made soup, then we had sausages and mash with pease and carrots and of course gravy, and for desert we had carrot cake witch my mum made when we were wrapping the presents, we had finished dinner and ollie was passed out on the couch, I lifted him and put him to bed he was so cute he never really made lots of noise anyway but yeah, I went back down stairs hannah was eating more cake, she could eat a full cow to her self if she could, itnwas 10 o'clock and we decided to go to bed frankie sleeped on the couch and gran sleeped in the guest bedroom with ollie, we all put our jammies on and my mum made us hot coco with mash mallows and wiped cream, me and hannah took it to the room and then went to bed,

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