my mums better #47

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Catherine p.o.v.

It was 1:15 pm and me, Andi and hannah where bouncing on the couch, ariana came down stairs, "whats all this noise" she simply took one look and joined in, "why are we doing this》《I don't know, we dropped down on the couch, "so mum what are you doing today"anti asked, "well I'm going to the shops if use want to come"we all nodded our heads, "I well be going at 2 so get dressed, we all made our way upstairs, "what should I wear" hannah asked, "well im wearing my white skater skirts, baby pink bralet and white vans" I said, "why dont ee all wear that but a different coloured top" andi said,  "ok ill wear my lilac top" andi said, "fine ill wear my baby blue one" we started to get dressed, I left my hair down fully straight, andi put her hair in a high pony tail and hannah had hers half up half down, we were ready and we went down stairs, we just sat on the couch waiting on ariana, I would call her mum but I dont know if she would want me to do that, finally ariana and dad came down stairs, "use ready" wwe stood up to say yes,

Ariana was driving because she took her car shopping because its got a bigger boot, she drives a white range rover so its pretty big she does have other cars that suite her better but its good for something, we got to the shops, "ok we need to get shampoo and conditioner, strawberries, graps, pineapple, apple, dog food and thats it" ariana said the list out, we went around the shop picking everything up, every were we went people would look at us and recognise us, we got everything we needed so we went to the counter, there was a young women who was going to serve us, I looked at her and she had a tear coming from her left eye, ariana being overly nice she asked what was wrong, "are you ok" the girl smiled, "yeah I'm fine im just a big fan of yours I'm just being silly I guess" the girl wiped away her tears and carried on scanning our stuff, "no its not silly come here" ariana opened her arms to give her a hug, they both hugged, "thanks" the girl started crying more, "well that will be $25 please" ariana handed over $35,"you keep the change hunny" ariana hugged her once more and we all waved good bye, dad loaded everything into the car, "we need to get petrol" we drove over to the gas station ariana filled up the tank whilst my dad went to pay, 'I kinda wantmto stay with dad and ariana, arianas mutch more of a mum to me than my own mother, what am I thinking why would she want to be my mum shes so pretty im like not people say I am but my mum says other things,' I was thinking to my self, we got the petrol and headed home, I couldnt help but think of ariana as my mum I just wonder if she feels the same way,...

When we got home we helped with the shopping, gran was in, "hi gran" andi said walking in the house, we put the stuff away and gran made dinner, we were having Italian pizza, 'buzz' my phone was going of...


"Hi hunny" it was my other granny on my mums side,

"Im just calling to say your mums better know so you can come see her whenever you want"

"Ok thanks for letting me know bye"

"By hunny"

"Whats up" ariana asked me, "my mums better now" I said looking down, "I thought that was a good thing" ariana said stocking my back, "it is but im going to miss us" I said hugging into her, "what do you mean your going to miss us" she said squeezing me tight, "well when I have to go back home" I said sitting up, "well me and sean were talking the other night saying how you get on with the girls and stuff that maybe you could live with your mum and us and anyway you can come hear whenever you want" ariana said kissing my head, she was so nice to me, "thanks ariana" I said, "by the way you dont need to call me ariana just call me mum it makes kt less weird" I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her,

It was time for dinner and it smelled so good, we all sat around the table since there was nothing on the tv and gran liked it like that, "so cat when are you wanting to go see your mum" dad asked me, "well I was thinking on Wednesday because we never do anything on Wednesday but I dont want to live with my mum for ever if its ok with use could I stay hear for to" I said eating my pizza, "yeah of course" everyone around the table was smiling when I said I didnt want to leave, "I cant wait because your like a sister to me so it will be good" andi said doing a dance with hannah at the table I joined in, and soon after everyone joined in,

We had finished dinner and I felt the need to phone my mum soni went up into dads room as hannah was in the bedroom...

"Hello" my mum answered,

"Hi mum is Catherine"

"Ooh hello darling are you going to break my heart again"

"Mum what are you talking about"  she always made me feel bad,

"You left me when I needed you the most"

"Mum I hade no choice the hospital wouldn't let me come with you,"

"Well you could have stayed outside it wouldn't be the first time since I've thrown you out for being a Birch and a little whore"

she always did this to me she threw me out when I was 8 because I didnt get her a birthday present and then again when I was 12 because she found out I liked a boy but only for a few days, I didnt go to my grandparents because their just as bad...

"Well mum I'm sorry I've disappointed you but I want to stay with my dad he's so nice and he doesn't throw glass bottles at me when I've done nothing wrong I don't want to talk or see you ever again" I hung up the phone I was in tears

I heard foot steps coming into the room, I turned it was ariana well mum, I got up and ran and hugged her, "did you hear》《yeah its going to be alright you can stay hear there's no need to get worked up about anything baby girl just calm down and tell me what's going on" we lay down on the bed together she held me close to her I've never had any one do this with me I felt safe protected, so I decided to tell her what's going on,

"Well when I'm with my mum she's never really nice to me she always calls me names like whore and cow, I kinda just got used to it, after school sometimes I would come in and there would be a random guy in the house this happened often so she wwould send me to my room sometimes she would leave me for days without food and she would go out with her new boyfriend that she would have like every week, if I was bad she would lock me in my room or hit me with glass bottles once she threw one atme and the glass went in my eye and head that's why I've got a scar on my head just above my eye I know it's tiny bit is still there, I did go tell my other grandparents but their just as bad as my mum just older she also kicked me out for not getting her a birthday present and for liking a boy" I was in tears by the end she pulled me in and hugged me for a while, she was so kind to me, "it's ok hunny you've got me and the others now I'll be the best mum I ever can be, I don't care what your mum says your staying hear with me and your father and not to mention your sisters" ariana hugged me tight, I heard andi and hannah going to bed, "I better go to bed now I dont want to keep you up" in said sitting up, "ok huny sweat dreams" ariana kissed me and I left, as I walked oit the room dad was going in, "night sweetie" he kissed my head and closed the door, I put my jammys on and went to sleep,

Ariana p.o.v.

Sean walked in as I kissed catherine good night and shut the door, he came over to me and kissed me, "hey baby girl" I lay down in the bed, "so whats up with catherine" Sean asked taking his clothes of, "nothing she was just telling me about her mum and how im going to bethere for her" I said, he climbed in to bed, he kissed into me neck and found my sweat spot, "not now hunny save it for tomorrow the girls are going to stay in mums house" I said laying on his chest, "ok darling whatever you want" he kissed me, I turned the other way and he hugged me from behind and we went to sleep,...

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