Mask has fallen

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Summary: Your secret comes out, the emotions are high and tense.

Scott's always trusted Derek's gut, or regretted not.

You were all gathered around the television, everyone happily watching some zombie movie baby wolf picked. Stiles was sitting in the chair next to you, Derek on the other side of you, Lydia placed next to him, and Scott in front of you. Erica is in the floor in front of Boyd, Malia in front of Stiles, Kira next to Scott. Isaac and Liam in bean bag chairs in the floor. It was calm.

This is how you enjoyed spending time with your pack. The people you've come to love and see grow all sitting peacefully, playfully teasing each other when they jump or let out a small growl. You'd all fallen into sync after everything settled, even with the Argents supernatural prison you'd pushed for. Everyone's biggest worry was the Nemeton's strays and keeping the supernatural in order. You thought to yourself, maybe I can tell them soon.

You sighed to yourself, asking the group as you prepared yourself to get up, "Anyone want anything?" With a flurry of, "Just a pop," "I saw cow tails, one of those please!" and "Water please," you got up stepping around Scott as he smiled at you. He turned quickly to nod at Derek. It was too late before you noticed it, Stiles noticed though. He scrambled out of his chair, grabbing your shoulders and pulling you to him, trying to get you away from Scott and Derek. Pulling the attention of Liam and Isaac who jump out of their chair also, and Derek. Sweet Derek who had a hold of your arm, claw dug in just a hair, but enough for you to yelp in pain and create just a few drops of blood.

The moment was frozen. Stiles had pushed himself in front of you, placing himself between you, Scott and Derek. Derek's claw holding a single drop of blood. Different emotions rumble in all of them in a split second. Malia noticed the change in the air, pulling Kira up as Boyd and Erica rose to position. Isaac and Liam staring at Derek in disbelief and anger. Derek is boring holes into you.

The hair on every wolf was standing up, your mask falling, tears instantly pooling in your eyes, slowly and silently running down your face. Stiles still holding the defensive. Just like that it's over, Derek takes a pointed whiff of the air, his eyes flashing red, your hands instantly went to your ears, covering them for protection, feeling his anger boil up.

Derek let out a growl, deep from inside him, shaking the walls and windows of the loft. The growl was long, demanding, angry. Everyone wolf in the room flashes their eyes, everyone but you. Derek's eyes are locked on yours, your solid bright red, innocent eyes. Everyone sees. Everyone twists, sensing the danger from each other. Growls are being tossed back and forth, no fight declared between alphas, so no fight declared between betas. You're visibly shaking, eyes now dimmed to y/e/c and the only thing that Derek can muster is another growl, causing you to scream. Isaac and Liam are now next to you, sensing your fear, Liam wrapped his arms around you protectively as Derek continued roaring, Isaac standing defensively.

"Let go of my mate!"

Liam didn't move, nobody did. Processing what he just said, the wolves looked at each other, at you, at Derek. You looked at everyone, taking in how they were feeling. Scott was now standing claws out, confused with a hint of protectiveness, on edge with Derek challenging his betas. Stiles was curious and defensive, still having his eye on Derek but, far enough back the wolves could fight it out without involving him. Erica was angry, already transformed with her claws out. Boyd was calm, standing defensively behind Erica, ready to grab her if she lashed. Kira was unsettled, one hand on Scotts shoulder one on her sword. Lydia was next to Stiles, behind him really, with an awestruck appearance. Derek growled again as Liam's hands remained on you.

You let out a painful yelp at the anger he was radiating, tears still falling. Liam tried to console your shaking body, he didn't realize you could be so fragile. Isaac tried to reason with Derek, "You're scaring her man!" Liam was trying to block your body from Derek, Isaac placing his hands on Derek's chest, repeating lowly, "Derek! You are scaring her!" Derek let out a calmer warning growl as his eyes dimmed back to his beautiful green. You gently moved Liam out of the way, gently calling to Derek, "Derek, I'm sorry." You backed up, countering his step forward. "Please," Derek whispered, still pushing, sounding desperate. Isaac looked back to you, and you nodded. You wanted to be close to him just as bad as he did, he just needed to calm down. Derek's eyes sparked to life as he stops about arms reach from you. Isaac and Liam standing defensively, rumbling at Derek, reminding him he goes no further.

Your eyes mimicked his, Derek growling, "Mate." You smiled ever so slightly, a resolve falling over you as you whispered, "Mate." Derek quickly pulled you to him, wrapping his arms around you as he breathed you in deeply. You were shocked, you didn't know what to expect but it wasn't this. You rested your head on him, arms circling him, clenching the back of his shirt in pure need for your mate. You took a deep breath as his scent surrounded you. Derek held you close to him, sliding arms around your waist and giving you a singular soft kiss on the nape of your neck. You felt protected, home, calm.

You gasped as Derek picked you up, his head now buried deep in your neck. You were so overrun with emotions you were still crying. After so long, you were able to scent your mate, your true mate. You weren't sure you would ever be able to scent properly, you could smell him all over his apartment, but he couldn't even smell you. You couldn't really touch him, couldn't get close with him. You couldn't help but wonder how different it would've been if you were honest. Doesn't matter now.

Word count: 1059

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