I miss you

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Summary: Isaac gets marked by the Oni and when he won’t calm down, you’re called in.

It wasn't like you were extremely busy. You were kind of just waiting around for someone to call whilst you did extensive research into whatever the hell was happening. So when Allison called you saying it was an emergency, you were up and ready. Then she said it had to do Isaac and you faltered. Would he want you there? But nevertheless when she shared the details and the fact that Isaac was losing it, your pace picked up. You were there in no time really, straight to the apartment you had only visited a couple of times. Chris was the one to open the door to you, hurrying you in and showing you where Isaac was with a panicky Allison next to him.

Surprise filled you that she hadn’t managed to calm him down. You thought maybe you coming here might be pointless but apparently not. So you set your bag down and made cautious steps over. They had been able to convince him to move to the bed so his head rested on his knees that were brought up to his chest as he rocked slightly. The sight killed you more and more every time you saw it. His head had snapped up when you began to move closer and he seemed to flinch at the sight of you. You knew it was a bad idea to keep going, he clearly didn’t want you to be there, but you took a seat in front of him and gave him the best soft smile you could muster.

“Hey,” he didn’t respond to the whisper but he had heard it. His eyes softened and his shoulders lost some tension. So you took that as a good sign and moved up the bed so you leant against the headboard next to him with your knee brushing up against his foot. The shaky breaths didn’t stop and his eyes began to glow there beta colour so you instinctively grabbed his hand and began to play with his fingers, lightly squeezing each one as if counting them. His gaze zeroed in on the action, counting to ten along with it like he had done so many times before.

Once he reached ten, you wrapped your arm around him and interlaced your fingers as you pulled him closer. Soft whimpers still come from him as he rests his head on your shoulder and you try your best to sound comforting, “I’m here, you’re gonna be fine,” Isaac shook his head gently, trying to move closer but there wasn’t much closer he could get. He had his legs across yours and then hooked back round so his heels were at your knee and he leaned against you to the point that you thought he might as well sit in your lap.

Isaac felt the light tap to his shoulder that made him look up to you confused until you gestured for him to get up slightly and he understood what was happening. He laid in between your legs with his head resting on your chest as your fingers fiddled with his curls. You looked up to see that Chris and Allison were gone and it was just you and Isaac in the room. So you pulled him slightly closer and placed a peck to the top of his head, feeling him relax even further into him.

One thing Isaac remembered about you was your hatred for silence, always having something as background noise. That’s why when you started humming quietly to yourself, he felt even more at home. You hadn’t changed one bit. It was comforting to him, having things like they were before a whole mess of things. Like you asking if he was okay and holding just the bit tighter every time he said no. He loved how you subconsciously drew little shapes on his palm and muzzle your nose into his hair so you could see what you were doing without having to rest your chin since you found it uncomfortable. He remembered how you’d lose some of the tension in your shoulders if he traced a figure of eight on your thigh and you would grin uncontrollably every time he looked up to you with a shaky smile to try and prove to you that he felt better.

“You know, Allison told me what happened,” he paused, not sure what to say to that but you didn’t need him to talk, “Said you wanted me here?” Now you needed an answer. Isaac became slightly flustered, a shrug leaving him as you both stared at where you were drawing little circles on his palm. “Um, you’re still my anchor. Didn’t want to hurt anyone,” he heard the small ‘ah’ that left you and you stopped what you were doing to move your fingers to interlace with his once more. “I miss you,” you mumbled and Isaac could feel his heart shatter slightly. He knew he hurt you and that you saying you were fine but he heard the shake in your voice that you had so desperately tried to hide. And he knew he shouldn’t of said it but it slipped past his lips before he could think much about it, “I miss you too,”

“Isaac,” your tone showed how you didn’t want to hear that, that it was just going to hurt you more. But Isaac needed to say this because he might just explode if he doesn’t. So he sits up and turns slightly to face you with a look of seriousness, “But I do. We would talk all the time and you’re my closest friend, why wouldn’t I miss you? I know I hurt you but I just, I thought it was better than just carrying on,” you scoffed, hand resting near the top of your head as you couldn’t believe he carried on talking. You were having a good time and just because you were stupid enough to have said one little thing that began a conversation you weren’t looking forward to. “Obviously it’s better than just pretending you still want to be with me and obviously I’m hurt. I was in love with you,” you watched him frown and reach for your hand and gave a small sigh as you held his hand with both of yours, “Maybe we can save this conversation for another time, yeah? I mean you were just spooked by some spirit thingies and I have not had a few days to prepare myself,” he nodded and you gave him a grin before pulling him back into you and giggling at the small yelp from him.

So there you sat for the next hour or so, joking around and holding each other close until Allison came to check up on him. She said about her dad maybe knowing something and about the two of you joining the conversation. You had wanted to since the past few days of doing nothing was killing you but Allison seemed uncomfortable and you could smell the slight jealousy on her. You weren’t ruining your friendship so you let Isaac go first and slipped out with a little wave to a confused Allison. You felt terrible but you weren’t about to do that, no way.

When you didn’t follow him into the room, Isaac stared around confused until Allison told him you had left. His face fell and he tugged on his shirt slightly before crossing his arms over his chest and putting all his attention into what Chris was saying. He just had to hold off the disappointment and misery he felt at the fact you’d walked away without a goodbye. He didn’t even get to say thank you or sorry for that matter. The last hour had been amazing for him, having things just like they used to be just for that little bit. He wasn’t worried about evil spirits or the weird number on the back of his neck that had appeared and then faded away. He was with you and he was having fun. It was then that he realised that he did indeed miss you, so so much.

Word count: 1374

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