Chapter 12 "The Truth Comes Out"

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"I- calm down Severus, for goodness sakes!" Lily sighed, "Dumbledore's lost him somewhere...." Snape rolled his eyes, "No surprise. He's a madman, that Dumbledore is." James wrinkles his nose at Severus and Lily slapped him.

"Ay! What was that for?" James pouted, angrily. Sirius snickered, "Lils doesn't like you anymore. She's asking me out tomorrow!

"You wish, Black. And it was because your making dirty looks at Sev. Can't you be nice for once?" Lily asked, her lips pursed.

"A-are you mad at me?" James tried to guilt trip Lily into kissing him. Lily smirked, "I know your tricks, James. Just ask for one." she kissed his cheek. 

"Ugh." snapped Sirius. Remus shook his head, "You are all lunatics, you know that?" James, Sirius and Lily nodded simultaneously.

"For the first time, I agree with you, Lupin." Snape muttered, "Anyways." Snape took a peice of parchment and put a howler charm on it, "Albus Dumbledore. You have three days to return my godson to me. If you do not, I will be having a chat with the minestry. Thank you."

"That was the scariest howler I've ever witnessed, yet the one with the least screaming." Sirius gasped.

Hey, sorry for it being short. Lyasm baes <333 

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