Chapter 3

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Pansy POV

'I think it's lame we have to be early.' I said, 'What about a late entrance?'

'No, Snape's lesson is first- we can't miss potions that's an important skill!' Harry said.

'You're acting as if it's the last lesson we're gonna have,' I rolled my eyes


'Thanks, take my pass note.' I grumbled. Draco and Blaise laughed Harry had *le proudness* face.

'Good morning you six or five whatever I can't count.' grumbled Snape.

'Ofc you can't.' I sneered.

'Miss Parkinson!' Snape snapped. I rolled my eyes.

'Why don't you snap at Harry for being early when you clearly were- eh doing something.' I said looking at a picture of Lily Potter with doodles of love hearts he was clutching.

'Oh shush Pansy!' snarled Snape, 'It's none of your business! Also Pot- Harry 10 points to Slytherin for dragging your friends to come in early- that's something hard to do- trust me I've tutored these kids- not Mr Crabbe and Mr Goyle- but these three. It's hard to come by seeing them early.' 

'We're not complaining.' Draco said.

'Thank you, Sir.' Harry giggled at the picture of Lily Potter. Snape mouthed something which strangely looked like, do not tell your mother! Well, it obviously wasn't that because Lily Potter wasn't Harry's mother- or maybe she was a close friend of Lily Potter's but it'd be unlikely. So it was safe to say it was, do not, do not bother! Strange thing to say but it made more sense then what I first inferred.

Harry POV

This feels weird- waiting for my second godfather while he's setting up the chairs and calling him Sir. Severus has been the only one to care for me all my life. Then I felt a tingle- oh no it was my spell it was fading off. In an hour all my bruises and scars and cuts would appear and people would know I'd been abused- my Potter Birthmark would also show and that would reveal I was a Potter. My lightning cut- that strangely never went- also would show. Oh, deer- OH STAG, I'm in for it! Some of my bruises on my face were appearing.

'Are you OK? Some blue purplish stuff is on your face.' Draco asked.

'U-um I need the bathroom.' I muttered, 'Tell Snape if he asks.'

'OK...' Draco said worriedly.

'ASHSHSHDDDSHIOHDIOSHDSIODSH HELP ME!!!' I screamed in the bathroom.

'Harry?' Daniel hissed.

'Ohmigosh Daniel you need to help mee!' I said.

'Why would I do that dummy.' Daniel said, 'OK fine.'

'Daniel I'm in for it, my bruises are disappearing.' I whined.

'Don't be a baby!' Daniel hissed. 

'Daniel you don't understand!' I said, trying not to cry.

'You're really crying? Ugh, since this affects me I'll make some random excuse for you, I'm doing potions too.' he said. I hugged him.

'Get off!' he said, but he was sort of hugging me too and a small smile was on his face.

A/N: Oh the brotherly love~ Omg, guys I've noticed all the brothers are mean in WBWL so I'm going to make him sorta mean but kind of nice. Sooner on they become great friends :) Also 'omigosh' isn't a word but it's the best not-word ever!!

Daniel POV

Hi, we haven't met yet. I'm Daniel, the handsome, the georgous and the BOY!!WHO!!LIVED!! Thanks for the applause. You have met my brother that I HATE. OK I don't hate him I actually love him but mum and dad told me to not let him in my way and hurt him if he does. I remember when we were younger and we used to be BBF (best brothers for ever) and to Harry I was his BBF and BFF because he didn't have any friends, I did because it's easy to attract friends when your like me. Let's start, sorry I knew you wanted to know more about my handsomeness~ 

'Where is your brother?!' hissed Snape in my ear so nobody could hear.

'Patato Patarto. He's sick.' I said, 'He's resting in his room! I'm so handsome I could never get sick.'

'OK, insolent boy! Sit down, or a detention for you!' he said, UGH. Me=Hates Snape. Thank goodness he's not my Godfather, Remus Lupin and Marlene Mckinnon are way better Godparents- I do envy Harry has Sirius (he has Snape also but why would I envy that?) but atleast mine are nice and all.

'Sir, I'm sorry I'm late I was uh...' Harry ran in. Then he read my mind which was damn annoying, 'I was ill.'

'Yes, yes, take a seat if you may.' Snape said. U!!G!!H why didn't he minus any points!!

'Ahh, yes,  Daniel our new- celebrity!' Snape smirked.

'Holy god.' I muttered. A few people around me laughed.

'One point from Gryffindoor, and for the people who laughed- wow all of them our in Gryffindoor. Ah, that makes it ten points from Gryffindoor. How dissapointing.' Snape said.

'Since we have our clever new celeb here how about we ask a question.' smirked Snape.

I gulped. Who'd expect me to look at my books?

'Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood? You don't know? Well, let's try again. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?...And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?' he asked.

'I-i don't know S-sir.' I muttered.

'Clearly fame isn't everything...' smirked Snape. Harry and Hermione's hands were up.

'Oh well let's see if your friends know any better. You, next to Draco Malfoy.' Snape said.

'To your first question you'd brew a sleeping potion S!!O!! powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death. To your second question, in a stomach of a goat- not to mention it saves you from most potions. To your third, Monkshood is associated with chivalry while wolfsbane can mean 'misanthropy' or a detestance of others.' said Harry.

'Wow, how about five for each answer. Ah, yes, fifteen points to Slytherin!' Snape said, Harry glared at him and Snape sighed, 'Miss Granger, I do apreciate the fact you wanted to answer that question so one point to Gryffindoor.'

Harry POV

Gryffindoors hate me because at the end of the lesson I gained fiftey points- Draco earned 5, Pansy earned 1 and Blaize earned one, Vincent and Crabbe didn't gain any but some other kids from Slyhterin gained some as well. I went out for morning break- 30 minutes- and there were some boys.

'Hi.' I smiled.

'Hi, Potter~' they said.

DUN, DUN, DUNNNNNNNNNN. That chapter was short-ish. Sorry about that but I'm even more sorry I left you on a D!!A!!M!!N!! cliffhanger. Trust me I know the pain :(. Love yall, thanks for 25+ reads it means so much!!


P.S: I'm going to start signing of with the name Livvie because that's my nickname. My actual name is Olivia :). BYEEE

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