Chapter 8, 'A Sectumsempra to the Past'

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Harry POV

I must've got seperated with the rest because they weren't there, I was in, woah... the Gryffindoor Common room.

'Hullo, are you alright you look lost?' asked a figure.

'Huh, oh yeah I'm ok...' I muttered, looking up at a younger version of dad, then I gaped.

'No seriously, come with me...' dad dragged me along, 'we could use a helping hand.'

I followed dad along the steep moving staircase, then he sighed, 'We've been looking for high sorcerers or sorceresses to help Remus, my friend, the grease bag Snape did a septumra or was is sectumsempsra- sempra? Something like that...'  dad sighed, 'Let me guess your an advanced squib...' looking at my face.

'How dare you offend a high sorcer!' growled two familiar cold voices. It was young Uncle Sev and Draco Malfoy. I grinned.

'Damn you Snape you think everything I say is wrong!' snapped dad.

Why don't you heal him then, Sev!' cried mum, mum at the time one of her friends, though he was on the 'James Side' they called it, was very close to Remus. Young Sev slammed the door and left.

'Wait,' I sighed, 'He's right, I can fix your friend.' I mumbled, 'I just need to know exactly. what the charm was.'

'It was something like Sectumspempra...' mum mumbled.

'I'll take your word for it,' sighed Harry, muttering a few words.

'H-how?' Remus croaked, he was well and alive.

These chapters keep getting shorter :///// I think I should explain my self, so I've had this new idea and IDK why I'm kinda rushing the chapters even tho it feels like it takes forever I'm so sorry. I'm REALLY SERIOUSLY SORRY. Also I feel dead staring at a damn screen when I'm always on there. 

I'm very sorry lovelies 

Love Y'all


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