Part 32

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Violet announced to the pair, clapping her hands together to get Bella and Ruby's attention.

"I'd say tonight was a win!"

"I, uh, wouldn't exactly say that, Violet."

"Okay, okay, I know what you mean Bella, but..."

She dragged in a barstool seat from the kitchen and faced herself towards where Bella and Ruby sat on the couch, cuddling into each other, and sat down.

"Like, overall it's a win."

She dug into her purse and opened a compact mirror, looking into it as she pulled out a makeup wipe from the package Jade had abandoned on the counter before they went to shower.

As Violet gently scrubbed her face, she elaborated to relive the girls' confusion.

"Skyler, no matter how terrible that event was, finally got out and away from that icky-sticky boyfriend, well I guess it's that icky-sticky ex-boyfriend now, of hers."

Her eyes darted away from the mirror momentarily to make eye contact with Ruby and Bella.


She went back to work.

"I had my first date with Poppy and Sunny! ...okay I can't exactly call it that, can I?"

Violet's eyes looked up at the ceiling as she thought out loud; she was even twirling the makeup wipe in her left hand around for emphasis.

"Technically that's what it was supposed to be. But it didn't really work out that way. With all the drama and the breaks and the gaps, I guess I just wouldn't consider it a real date."

She turned her attention back to the mirror and sighed dreamily.

"But they both considered it one, or, at least, considered it enough of one. Ohhh but I have to say it's just so sweet that they already knew and-"

"Uh, Violet?"

Ruby questioned, waving a hand in the direction of her roommate to get her attention, which worked in bringing Violet back down to Earth.


"I think we get the idea."

Bella giggled as Ruby rolled her eyes.

"Right, heh, I'm sorry. I'm just excited for our technically-follow-up-but-it's-really-actually-our-first-real-date-date that we planned for this weekend. Sunday to be specific."

"Sunday? Wow, moving kinda fast there, aren't you, Violet?"

"Oh shut up, Bella! Look at yourself; as if you're one to talk!"

She gestured towards the couple on the couch with the now perfectly purple makeup wipe in her hand. Bella was sitting at the end of the sofa, one of her arms resting on the arm of the couch while the other was draped over Ruby's shoulders, keeping her close. Not that Ruby was complaining. In fact, she was leaning into Bella's side, with no protest from her in the slightest; they were perfectly content and comfortable where they were.

"Yeah, yeah, alright, Vi; you've got a point."

"But I've been waiting months for this; how could you expect me to wait any longer?"

Bella nodded, but assuringly, happily, corrected Ruby as she did so, who's face turned red and smile got wider as she did.

"We've been waiting months for this."

She finished her sentence with a light boop on Ruby's nose, and her eyes darted away from embarrassment, and Bella noticed.


Bella slowly pulled her hand back and asked,

"I'm I being too much, Ruby?"

But Ruby immediately grabbed Bella's hand with both of her own to keep it from retreating any further away.

"Sorry! Sorry! No! No, you're fine; I like it, Bella. I really do! You don't know how much I do, I'm just weird- I'm just, heh, not really used to actually getting this instead of just thinking about it."

"Oh, then no worries love, I'll make sure you get used to it~"

"See?! That's what I was going to get to next! This! This has to be the biggest win of the night."

"Violet, I'm flattered you're so invested in my love life."

"Oh cut the crap, Ruby!"

She playfully threw her trash in Ruby's direction, but it's not like the limp wet wipe would travel very far.

Violet took a fresh wipe out of the package and started finishing the job that the pervious wipe had started, getting all the overlooked spots of hidden makeup on her face.

"You made me get invested; you can't just turn around and get mad at me for it now!"

"About that."

Bella started, slightly turning her body to face Ruby, who fully sat up to face her in response.

"Why'd you tell Violet again?"

"Uh, like I said before, out of nerves? It's not like I thought I could tell you!"

"Oh no I know why you didn't go to me or Jadey...but we still have three other people in our group to pick from."

"Bella! The nerve!"

"I'm just sayin' Vi..."

Bella giggled as she continued,

"Ruby must've been pretty desperate to go to you about this."

Violet stood up and slammed her compact mirror shut, and walked over to stand next to Bella's side of the couch.

"Oh? So you don't think I can keep a secret? I'm hurt, Bella; I might be a drama vlogger but I'm not that much of a blabber mouth."

Ruby joined Bella in her giggling; now she knew where she was going with this.

"I can keep my mouth shut when it's important! I can! And I did! I didn't blab about my feelings for Poppy or Sunny until they made the first move! I'm great at keeping secrets!"

"No, no Violet, I mean..."

She playfully glanced at Ruby and then back to Violet and continued.

"What did Ruby expect to gain from telling you! Miss waiting for the right moment; I bet you only enabled each other."

"I'll have you know I was an integral part of keeping Ruby sane for the last few months. All me! Ruby, tell her!"

"Sorry Vi, I don't know what you want me to say."

She cheekily grinned to match the one plastered on her her girlfriend's face, and went back to nestle into Bella's side. That was all the reply she needed to give; she wasn't gonna go against her girlfriend the same night they became official. Sorry Violet!

Bella playfully stuck her tongue out at Violet, who's gasp was equal parts genuine and overly dramatic.

"Betrayal! This is a betrayal, Ruby Anderson!"

At that moment, Jade, all showered and in their clean pajamas, opened the bathroom door and stepped outside, holding her dirty clothes and towels.

"I'm not going to stay here and take this. I'm showering next. Jade, go get your girlfriends."

Violet huffed and stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door shut as Jade responded with a smile and an endearing eye roll.

"Don't have to ask me twice."

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