Welcome to the escape room!

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I was sure that Nezu picked up the first hint I gave him. Question was if he included quirkless people or not. There was a reason for everything I was doing after all.

Ohhh Nezu!

I am pretty sure you like a good mystery!

How is this for a mystery?

I am sure you got the challenge I gave you by now. Though will you manage to find out who I am and more importantly where I am to save your precious UA students?

Now why did I mention their quirk?

Is it because I am quirkless?

If that's what you concluded than bingo!

But let's be honest you can't know that yet. The chance of me being quirkless is very slim after all!

What a nice game we are playing!

Now let's see what the hero are doing next!

Let's see how many of them will manage to escape the first round!

It was only after they debated for a solid 5 minutes if this was real or some kind of game or exercise that lightning bolts start going through the inside corridor of the bus. That was when they decided that everything was real and starts to use their quirks on the window as well as the door or the metal. However, nothing worked at all.


It's never that easy!

This bus is equally designing like a prison transporter!

I can't believe it is used as a school bus.

I guess I should be thanking you Nezu or Aizawa!

It was only than that Hagakure found something.

Hagakure: Guys! I found something!

She was leaning on a seat too look outside the window and there was something written but the question was if they could read it. All they had to do was open the light of the bus and they would be able to read it. It was such a simple task and yet Momo used her quirk to create a lamp and shine outside.

Me: It's not as if they could simply turn on the bus light and have a better view but don't mind me. I swear these kids nowadays really don't have any common sense at all.

I wonder if this will throw you off guard Nezu?

These kids!

Yes, I am a kid too but did you really thought that I'll make it so simple for you to figure out how old I was?


Dream on!

This is way more fun!

Once they began to lighten up the wall in front of them they found something written there.

Me: Hidden in Plain sight!

That was what was written on the wall. The answer to this whole escape room was that simple. In fact, all they needed to do was just open the hatch on the floor of the bus below the carpet and they would immediately fall into the next room.

Bakugo: What's that fucking supposed to mean?

Iida: Hidden in plain sight? The engine! If we start the engine we could maybe unlock the door.

Kirishima: Great thinking bro!

Me: I personally would do that!

Denki: On it!

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