Welcome to the LOV!

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I couldn't see much at first but soon saw a mist like guy and another one with a lot of hands coming towards me. There was also this vampire fan girl and a burned Todoroki. It was quite obvious to me who that was. I never even believed that he died for once and this was only proof I was right.

Quickly standing up from where I was laying on the ground and went towards them. If they were to kill me then so be it. At least I had my fun.

Me: Ahh welcome.


Not soon as I said that the vampire girl tackled me to the ground in a hug.

Me: Huh... Ahm Vamps do I know you?

There was no way I knew her but the way she greeted me kinda let me think that I did. It was weird how cheery and happy she was.

Mist guy: Toga!

Toga: Ohh sorry. I was just soo happy to finally see you! You know what you did in the last room was sooo coool!

Me: Thanks.

Burned Todoroki: Quite the show you did there and everyone could even see it in 4k.

Me: Thanks, Touya.

Burned Todoroki: How-?

I could see his eyes open wide before he had flames around him.

Me: Your eyes are still the same and your blue flames are kind only proving what I just said. I also never believed that you died. But nice that you got away from that pile of trash!

Burned Todoroki: Call me Dabi.

Me: 'Kay Dabi.

Mist Guy: I am Kurogiri and this is -

Handy Man: Toumura Shigaraki.

Me: Okay. Let me guess, you guys are here because this was your old villain lair or something. Otherwise I wouldn't know how you guys managed to enter inside here without a teleportation quirk. Then again, I am betting that Kurogiri has a teleportation quirk. Though you still will need some information as where to teleport so you knew the layout from this lair. The only question is as to why you guys are here.

Toga: For you!

Me: Huh?

Dabi: * Sigh* Toga cut it out!

The girl was about to cling to me once again but luckily for me Dabi grabbed her by the collar and prevented her to go and hug me again. I appreciated it since I never really liked skin contact that much after what I've gone through.

Shigaraki: We are here because Sensei wanted to talk with such a useless NPC like you.

Me: Did you just call me useless?

Shigaraki: I did NPC! What you gonna do?

I still had some daggers on me and before he knew what was happening I was behind his back and had the dagger around his neck. Even if he decided to use his quirk I would be faster.

All I did was charge at him and then dodge and sidestepped his vision looking like I vanished only to side step and turn around, placing the dagger around his neck while still being in the safe.

Dabi: We definitely need him!

Kurogiri: Pardon his rudeness.

Me: Call me useless again and you won't see another day.

Toga: Ahhh blood would look soo epic on him right now! Please Shiggy let him cut you!

Shigaraki: Nice move mini boss.

Me: Oh so now I am a mini boss?

I raised my eyebrow as handy man slowly began turning around. Needless to say, that the end of the dagger was still pointing at his neck.

Shigaraki: You had to prove yourself mini boss.

Me: Tsk!

Kurogiri: Please come with us.

Me: Do I have another choice?

Shigaraki: Not really, deal with it!

I watched Kurogiri making a portal. Toga then came over to me grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the other side. There on the other side in front of me was a man I didn't know I would meet ever in my life.

AfO: Hello Nobody.

Me: Greetings AfO!

I decided to play it thick and bowed in front of him.

AfO: You quite like to make an entrance, don't you?

Me: Meh! First impression and all. Now why am I here?

AfO: I wanted to talk to you!

Me: About what?

AfO: Join my team.

Me: Okay.

AfO: Just like that?

Me: Yeah. I mean you are AfO! Besides they knew where to find me which means that the lair I changed into a game was previously used by you. So, I owe you one.

AfO: No quite the contrary. I am pleased to see what you did. Now then let's watch the heroes find the remains.

Just like that I was now part of the LOV. It wasn't a hard decision to make since they all looked like cast outs like myself. Not only that but I had a feeling that I belong by the number 1 villains' side.

We watched the heroes and the media show the entrance of the building and pull out the remaining bodies in body bags. They were after all, all dead. No one survived that. The last thing I even heard was Endeavor announcing that he would be coming after me which I found quite amusing.

AfO: From now on you will be the head analyzer and strategist of the LOV. No one will go against your plans.

Me: Why not make me a leader?

Shigaraki: Tsk! Mind your place mini boss!

AfO: I would do that but it is more entertaining to watch you earn your place. There is no doubt that you are a naturally born leader for us villains.

Me: Thank you for the flattering. Now then shall we plan and attack the heroes?

And this was the story how I got into the LOV. Not soon after I joined them I managed to gain all their trust and became the leader. They now all felt like siblings to me. Kurogiri and AfO were like our parents scolding and rewarding us each time we did something wrong or good.

Since I knew that they were after All Might, I decided to plan a nice trap for him and needless to say after some surveillance we managed to capture Small Might in his skinny form and get his quirk out of him.

It was Shiggy who got OfA and AfO who gave me his quirk. We were unstoppable and everyone knew our names. However, I made sure never to attack any innocent people. This was something I couldn't bear to do. Heroes and Heroes in training were a different story though.


A/N: Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the story!

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