Teen Glam X Fem! Reader

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(vikki doesn't exist in this)

Y/N's pov

I currently upstairs playing my violin

Then I hear my mother call me from downstairs "Y/N darling, please do come downstairs" my mother shouts from downstairs she only says that when guest arrives but other than that she's a total beesbitch seriously "Coming, mother" I shout back then I saw my maid come in "miss Y/N would you like me to do your room up a bit?" she asks politely "if it's not too much" I smile then she smiles back and nodded then went off to do my room then I continued to walk downstairs to see my mother and want she wants I saw her with 3 new people "you asked for me, mother" I asked and she looked at me with a fake smile "Y/N darling, how wonderful to see you" she fakes smiles then looks over to the family "this is my daughter, Y/N" she introduced me "these are the Shvagenbagens" she introduced them and I smile "well, do sit down darling we have things to discuss" she sits me down in a chair next to her then Mr. Shvagenbagen looked at me "well, Mrs L/N I wanted to ask if your daughter will be willing to join my son in the violin competition" he offered and I looked wide eyes "may I ask what is the prise for this competition?" my mother asks "money" he replied and my mother was smiling even more "I'm sure Y/N would love to do the competition, wouldn't you Y/N" she asked giving me the look of "I swear if you don't agree" look and I gulped "sure mother I would love too" I gale smiled "well you two go up and practise" she smiled then we both went up

*in the bedroom*

The boy kept staring at me which gave me spine shivers "take a picture, dude it'll last longer" I huffed "sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" he apologiesed "I'm kindding"i laughed he laughed weakly" "soo about this whole this of violin" he rubbed his neck "oh yeah do you know *****" I ask and he smiled "yeah" I smile "then let's do that" he smiled

Then after we both started laughing "OK we can't do that my mum" won't like it"i say in a mocking voice  "yeah my dad won't think its “professional" he mocked his dad

*After the competition*

We both looked at our parents who were shock then we both started laughing "I might be in to rock more but that was amazing" he laughed "definitely" I laughed along "hey I know this is sudden and weve Been friends for about 1 year since this compation think but would you like to maybe go out as friends if you want it to be" he asked nervously "are you asking me on a date?" I ask "if you want it that way yeah" he rubbed his neck "I would love too" I smiled and he smiled back then Lydia, sabastions older sister walk in with a gagging face "yeah yeah friends, love, make out who cares just date already got you two are oblivious to each over" Lydia groaned then we both started laughing

*years later*

"and that's basically how I met your mother" Glam explained to the two boys at the table "that's one weird love story" Dee the oldest stated "I agree" heavy the youngest agreed then Y/N came in with the food "that's not all of the story" the woman smiled "so It gets even weirder?" Dee asks "well, if you put it that way, darling" she smiled at her son "so is that why we can't see both of our grandparents" heavy asked "not my parents you can't" Y/N sat down "but only my mother and sister you can" Glam finishes "that's still disgusting" Dee stated "you won't be saying that when you find love, darlin" I smile and he gags "love, who needs such a thing"

"you won't be saying that when you at least 18, Dee"

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