Chapter 3

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I stormed off and had no regrets. I heard Hermione following me up to the doorm and Ron, Fred, Harry and George behind talking.

"Really Ron good job she's probably crying right now because of you" Fred sighed.

"Well what was I supposed to do just sit here and say "I lOvE tHaT yOu ArE dAtInG mY bRoThEr WhO iS 2 YeArS oLdEr ThEn YoU"" Ron growled


Hermione came down looking miserable, She shook her head. Harry sighed, everyone new that I wasn't coming down until dinner. After 1 hours it's was time for dinner, I went down stairs completely ignoring Ron. I pushed straight past him and went down to the great hall. I sat down next to Ginny and we ate some food and talked then Mrs Magonagal started talking.

"Witches and Wizards a reminder quidditch is on tomorrow Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff" Magonagals' crokey voice explained

There were wahoos and yeses but me and Ginny were especially excited we got to play for Gryffindor. I was seeker because Harry had injured his ankle and Ginny was taking over my spot.

After dinner we got back to the common room, I helped Ginny find her quidditch gear. We sat at the fire talking for 2 hours then she went to bed but I stayed up for a little longer. Harry came up to me with Ron right behind him.

"Fancy seeing you here" I voiced

"Hi Sienna" Ron wept "umm I'm sorry for how I reacted yesterday it was just so new to me, I didn't think that you would ever like my brother especially you dating him"

I replied trying to be nice "it's ok I over reacted a little bit to but I should probably go to bed now because i have the quidditch game tomorrow"

"That's ok you need your rest just know you will do great however you play" Harry and Ron said.

I went up to the doorms and got into my pjs and got under the blankets and stayed up for a little because I was so tired but I eventually slowly drifted off to sleep.

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