Chapter 1

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It was sunny. No signs of rain. And the air was warm, too.

Now it was dark.

But you didn't pay attention to the weather. You were focusing on the bonfire, unaware that it was going to be your last normal day for awhile.

Last normal day.

It was your idea to get together and have a bonfire. "Just something to do on a Friday night," you said. But it didn't turn out the way you thought it would. Considering that it was a bonfire, you thought it would be just a regular night. A regular night of spending time with your friends.

But that wasn't true.

"Y/N, can you pass me the marshmallows?" Olivia asked. You picked up a nearby bag of marshmallows and handed them to your friend, who frowned at its contents. "There's hardly any left."

"I guess everyone wanted to get ready for story time," you said.

"Story time?"

You shrugged.

Sighing, Olivia stuck a marshmallow on a stick, then roasted it in the fire. You watched as the marshmallow slowly turned a golden brown. "So, story time, huh?"

"Yeah," you answered.

"Got any stories to tell?"



Whenever there was a bonfire, usually you and your friends would tell stories. It could be scary or funny. Just something to enjoy. But this time you didn't have anything to tell. And neither did Olivia.

The two of you chatted for a few minutes, just talking about whatever came to mind. It was nice to finally hang out again. Both of you had been so busy that you were unable to spend time together, especially since Olivia had a tight schedule within the last few weeks. So, when you invited her to the bonfire, you were surprised when she accepted.

But your conversation with her stopped abruptly when a friend came over and asked about marshmallows.

Olivia handed the bag to her. She took a couple, then returned it. You watched her walk away before looking up at the starry sky.

Thousands of stars were scattered across the vast sky, creating a beautiful view. The full moon was out, too. It casted a silvery light on the ground.

The perfect night for a bonfire.

You lowered your eyes, ready to continue your conversation with Olivia. But something caught your gaze, making you look up again. A light.

A blue light shining in the distance. It was far away, probably a few miles, but it was very bright. Something that you've never seen before. And there seemed to be something on top of it, too. Some white thing. You nudged Olivia's side with your elbow. "Hey, do you see that?"

She looked up. "See what?"

"That blue light in the sky."

"Oh, yeah, I see it. Probably just a light show."

"Are you sure that's all it is?" you asked, watching the light. Her explanation made sense but for some reason you felt like there was something more to it. Or that it was something else.

"I'm sure," she answered. "What else could it be?"

An alien spaceship? you thought. But you dismissed that quickly. Aliens aren't real.

"Then what about that white thing?" you inquired.

"What white thing?"

"The thing above the light. It's white or something."

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