Chapter 2

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The teleportation made you slightly dizzy but only for a few seconds. You blinked several times to clear your vision before checking your surroundings.

I've seen too many movies. This has got to be a dream, you thought.

You were no longer outside. Instead, you were in a room with nothing but blue walls and something that resembled a podium in the far-right corner. Underneath your feet was a black circle on a large platform.

Where am I?

The only place you could think of was that spaceship you saw earlier. But that was impossible. How can that be?

You walked down the two steps that led to the floor. There wasn't much in the room, just the platform and podium. But you weren't planning on leaving the room. Who knows what was out there!

So, you decided to walk toward the podium. It was black but instead of a microphone, it had a whole bunch of colorful buttons and knobs. And even though they were tempting to touch, you resisted the urge, knowing that something could happen if you did. Besides, you weren't a child anymore. You were an adult.

Letting out a sigh, you walked away from the podium and sat on the top step of the platform. And there you stayed, thinking about the possible places you could be in.

Not your house. Not outside, either. You could be in some type of building but that was highly unlikely. So, the only thing that made sense was . . . a spaceship.


Suddenly a sound interrupted your thoughts. The sound of a door sliding open. You jumped up, looking over to find a man standing in the doorway.

"Oh!" he exclaimed. A surprised expression was on his face. He didn't expect to see you there.

Nor did you expect to see him.

He was tall and thin, with dark shoulder-length hair. You couldn't tell what color his eyes were but his face was different. A kind of face you've never seen before.

For one thing, it was painted white. And there was some sort of large, pointed makeup design that surrounded his eyes. The design seemed to resemble a star, but a different type of star with more points. Seven, to be exact. Its outline was painted black and the inside was silver. It also seemed that he was wearing black lipstick.

To tell the truth, it definitely looked like he was from a different world. Or outer space.

He wore what seemed to be a silver vest that sort of stuck out at the shoulders. The rest of his outfit was black, decorated with tiny white dots. Towards the end of his sleeves were something that resembled cuffs, except they were large and silver.

As for his shoes, they were silver platform boots.

You stared at him. Why did you find him so beautiful?

"Hello," he greeted. A small smile appeared on his face as he looked at you. This wasn't something you expected from him, especially since you randomly showed up in a strange, unfamiliar area.

"Oh, uh, hi?" You didn't expect a greeting from him. Actually, you didn't know what to expect. "Where am I?"

"In my spaceship," he answered casually. He stuck out his hand. "And my name is Space Ace. Nice to meet you."

You blinked. "Space Ace?"

"Or Ace. I don't mind." He chuckled. "Now are you going to shake my hand? Or is that not what humans do anymore?"

"Oh, uh . . ." You shook his hand. "I'm Y/N."

"Well, Y/N, it's nice to meet you." Ace kissed your hand before letting go. You watched as he walked toward the podium. "I like your name, by the way."

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