Knockout x Breakdown

672 14 11

Mintzy: welcome back everyone! We'll start off with my personally favorite ship, thats actually Canon in the comics!!

*They all stare, optics wide, wondering who the first victims will be*

Optimus: Go on Mintzy, if you please.

Mintzy: If you insist! This chapter is all about knockout and breakdown! Ship name, knockdown! Or breakout, but that sounds weird. . .

*the two look at eachother, beginning to blush hard*

Knockout: I-

Starscream: *smirking* whats wrong knocks?

Mintzy: So screamy, you ship it?

Starscream: Don't call me that! But yes, the two seem to have an affinity for eachother, plus they just work so well together.

Megatron: Dating is not important between decepticons, we are at war! This is nonsense.

Mintzy: oh come on, its all for fun. Besides, who wouldn't ship those two, I mean come on, look at them!

*they are still blushing hard, yet neither of them were saying anything against it*

Mintzy: awww, you two are adorable.

Ratchet: you do realize who your saying that to, right? For once in a lifetime, I actually agree with Megatron, this really is nonsense.

*Optimus nodded slowly*

Arcee: I do see why you think the two would be good together. From what I've seen, their perfect together. Bumblee, what about you?

Bumblebee: Yeah, not much else to say. I ship it.

Miko: well I just think this is weird, talking with the decepticons like this.

Raf: I'd have to agree, they always try to squash us.

Mintzy: Hey, don't worry about it guys, they won't hurt you here.

Jack: how do you know that?

Mintzy: cause I'm the writer, obviously. But I would squash them if they even tried.

Starscream: HA! I'd like to see you try!

Mintzy: *creepily smiles at him* no, you don't. *snaps fingers*

*Starscream tries to talk, but no noise comes out his voice box. He reluctantly stops trying, frowning*

Mintzy: *turning back towards the humans* anyway, opinions?

*everyone stunned*

Soundwave: *with Shockwaves voice* this is a logical *he thought for a moment, scanning his files, then said with mintzys voice* ship.

Mintzy: why thank you Soundwave, glad you agree.

*he put a happy face on his screen*

Miko: I um- I actually do ship this!

Mintzy: I knew you would! *gives her a high five!*

Raf: Its. . . Not a bad ship.

Jack: *nods in agreement*

Miko: Bulk, are you okie?

*everyone looks at the bot as he glares at breakdown and knockout.*

Bulkhead: I hate this. . .

Mintzy: Its okay bulk, I now that breakdowns your worst enemy, BUT I really would love to hear your opinion!

*bulkhead groaned, then looked straight into breakdown optics, then nodded* Fine, I don't ship them.

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