arcee × knockout

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Mintzy: today's ship is Arcee × Knockout! I ship this one hehe ~

Arcee and Knockout: *in complete shock*

Breakdown: *frowns* No.

Bulkhead: definitely not.

Miko: Ewww, that's just gross.

Acree and knockout: *glance at one another*

Arcee: Yeah, he's not really my type.

Knockout: although I do respect her, I'm much more into, let's just say, muscles. *leans on breakdown and smiles*

Breakdown: *chuckles*

Miko: I feel like they would make a good team though.

Jack: Yeah, if they were ever on the same side.

Mintzy: Oh, you have no idea. Your all from the first season, so you don't know anything yet.

Knockout: what the scrap does that mean?

Arcee: That's weirdly cryptic.

Megatron: *narrows eyes at knockout* Does he betray me?

Jack: at this point we should just suspect that.

Rafeal: Oh, huh, a creepy person drags us to an alternate universe and forces us to talk to our greatest enemies. And we expect them to make sense? Didn't realize that was on the agenda.

Knockout: first off, Megatron, how dare you suspect me. And human, wow. That's like the most I've ever heard you say- and also that's creepy.

Megatron: hhhmmm- *but evilly*

Rafeal: *shrugs* I'm not a talker.

Breakdown: My lord, he really wouldn't do that. With the amount of crimes he committed, it's doubtful the autobots would ever even except him anyways.

Megatron: he has a way with words Breakdown. You of all cons should know.

Arcee: no no, Breakdown is actually being smart for once.

Breakdown: *glares at her* And to think people would actually ship you with anyone.

Arcee: Well their are people who tolerate you, aren't there?

Knockout: Keep fighting over me, this is feeding my ego.

Breakdown: knockout :(

Arcee: in your dreams fire boy.

Miko: arcee, that would make you water girl.

Knockout: that doesn't even make sense!

Arcee: Oh wait, yeah your right Nevermind.

Breakdown: can I be earth dude?

Knockout: breakdown don't encourage this!

Breakdown: Oh right- evil guy. Totally.

Miko: nah, bulk is more like an earth dude. You'd be more like . . . Actually I don't know.

Breakdown: Oh :(

Bulkhead: hm what? Sorry I wasn't paying attention. But, yeah, this ship is definitely strange.

Bumblebee: Yeah, agreed. It's weird.

Optimus: they are both to strong willed, they would be constantly knocking heads.

Knockout: hah, knocking. *rolls eyes and sighs dramatically* I think it's clear who my spark mate is already anyways.


Breakdown in the fandom: Please don't hurt me.

Breakdown in canon: I will destroy you all.

Anyways hey, this is a short chapter but I was bored. Thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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