Chapter 6

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After a short journey with several older Students from the School, the carriages soon reached the Castle and the older Students disembarked, (Y/N) walked with them, looking around the interior of the Castle, taking in the sights.

"Mister Dimitrescu? Over here, if you would please?" called out a familiar voice, (Y/N) turned his head and saw Professor McGonagall motioning for him to come over to her, he nodded and walked over to her, standing beside the older Witch in front of a set of large Oak Doors.

Not too long later there were three loud knocks on the doors, and then the door swung open, revealing Hagrid and the First Years, one of which was the small girl (Y/N) met on the Hogwarts Express, who looked at him with surprise.

"The Firs' Years, Professor McGonagall" Hagrid said to the older Woman, smiling at her under his thick beard.

"Thank you Hagrid, I'll take them from here" McGonagall said to the larger man, who nodded and left the children with the older Woman, she turned and led the assembled First Years, including the much taller and older (Y/N) who looked around at the Castle as they walked across the Entrance Hall, the stone walls were lit by torches, a very high ceiling, and a magnificent Marble staircase that led to the upper floors.

The First Years all followed the professor across the flagged stone floor, the sound of small shoes hitting the floor, along with a pair of larger shoes, (Y/N)'s enhanced hearing could pick up the drone of many voices from a doorway to the right, but Professor McGonagall showed them all into a small chamber off to the side that was lit by torches.

They all crowded together, with (Y/N) getting irritated with the smaller Humans bumping his legs or seeming to try moving between them for a spot, only to be shoved back with an annoyed glare, but he then turned his attention back to McGonagall.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, the Start-of-Term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you must first be sorted into your Houses, the Sorting is a very important Ceremony that has gone on since the first days of Hogwarts opening, because while you are here, your House will be something like your Family here in Hogwarts" McGonagall said to them all, though (Y/N) disagreed with the idea of being so close to children, he only felt close to his three little Sisters.

"You will have classes with your House, sleep in your House Dormitory and spend free time, potentially, in the Common Room of your House, the Four Houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin" McGonagall said as she looked out over the First Years, some of them making a face at the mention of Slytherin.

(Hufflepuff? What kind of name is that?) (Y/N) thought to himself, both baffled and amused by the name.

"Each House has it's own noble history and each has produced outstanding Witches and Wizards alike, while you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your House Points, while any rule-breaking will lose House Points, at the end of the year, the House with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honour, I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever House becomes yours" McGonagall continued as she looked over the students.

"The Sorting Ceremony will take place in just a few minutes in front of the rest of the school, I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting" McGonagall said as her eyes glanced around at several students, her eyes glancing at (Y/N) whose face was still shadowed by his hood, his seemingly glowing Honey-Gold eyes giving him an unnerving appearance amid the crowd of small Children.

"I shall return when we are ready for you, please wait quietly" McGonagall said, before she left the chamber, (Y/N) took a deep breath and sighed, before he felt a tug on his pant leg, he looked down to see the bushy haired girl looking up at him.

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