014 | name twins

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[ 𝙳 𝚊 𝚗 𝚒 𝚎 𝚕 𝚕 𝚊 ]

Practise session 1 and 2 would commence today for the drivers, which I was excited about watching. I got up early so I could get dressed and be ready in time for when Lando left. I had my camera with me along with a few different lenses. The first session began at 9:30 am and lasted a full hour, while the second session began at 1:30 pm and also lasted only an hour. I didn't have time for breakfast at the hotel so when we arrived Lando pointed me in the direction of the McLaren food area, where there was a table lined with a selection of pastries, while he went off to get ready for first practise. 

"Hey, you're Dani right?" a loud, Australian accent came from behind me, nearly making me drop the chocolate brioche in my hand.  

"That'd be me." I grinned, turning to face the man I instantly recognised. "And you're Danny, correct?" I teased, raising an eyebrow.
"Look at us, name twins." He laughed, throwing an arm around my shoulder, squishing my small frame against his very tall one.

"It's an honour to share the same name as me." I joked. 

"I like you. You're funny." Daniel Ricciardo declared, leading me away from the breakfast table. 

"I know." I shrugged, picking a bit of the brioche to eat only for Daniel to steal it out of my hand.

"Hey-" I complained, watching as he ate my food.
"Don't tell anyone. My trainer would have my head." He rolled his eyes but still held a large smile. Did this man ever not smile? I just shook my head, amused by the Australian driver.

"Daniel, stop stealing her." Lando pouted, walking back up to us, dressed in his racing gear which matched Daniel's.

"Oh, I'm so sorry your highness." Daniel mocked making me giggle. "You're girlfriend's really short by the way." Daniel glanced down at me. But his comment made me go bright red.
"I'm not his girlfriend." I shook my head, stuttering a little.
"Yeah, she's just a friend I invited." Lando stammered, gesturing a hand in my direction, swinging on the back of his heels as his hands clasped the water bottle in his hand.

"Right," Daniel nodded slowly, his tone of voice indicating he didn't believe either of us, even though it was the complete truth. "Well, your friend is still very short either way." He added playfully.
"Whats wrong with being short," I huffed. "Means I don't have to duck when walking into a room." I pointed out.
"True." Daniel looked up in thought, dramatically agreeing.
"Is he always like this?" I asked Lando, shuffling closer to the curly haired boy, who was drinking from the large straw.
"All the time." Lando nodded, stealing a bit of the half eaten brioche in my hand before he and Daniel both left as their names were called. Lando gave me a cheeky grin as I glared at him playfully while Daniel flicked the baseball hat off my head, whistling as he purposely avoided eye contact.

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