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"Here Innie." Jisung said as he handed the younger boy a few drinks. "They go to that table over there.' He said pointing toward the table. Nodding Jeongin walked through the crowds of people delivering the drink to the table. 

The club was packed like it always was, ton's of people enjoying themselves as they drank and danced. Sitting at a VIP table was Chan along with Changbin the two of them talking to some people, Jeongin didn't know where Hyunjin and Minho both were but didn't really have time to think on it since so many order's were coming in. 

"Excuse me." A voice said as a hand rested on his shoulder. "Oh yes?" He said turning to see the lady who gave him a soft smile. "Do you mind showing me where the bathroom's are?" She asked twirling her air. "Sure." Jeongin said as he set down the tray before leading her through the crowd toward the back. A smirk was on the girls face as she talked to Jeongin telling him how thankful she was for him showing her the restrooms, while touching his arms. Of course it made him uncomfortable and Jeongin moved further away from her telling the her that it was no problem and he was happy to help. 

"So do you work on just drinks here..or..?" She asked with a raised brow. Jeongin furrowed his brows confused on what she was trying at. "Do you have any special services?" She whispered with a seductive smirk. 

"I-Im sorry I don't know what you mean by that." Jeongin stuttered with a nervous smile. She sighed running her hands up his arms. "Oh come on surely a guy like you knows what I'm talking about." 

"I'm sorry I—"

"Jeongin, sugar you shouldn't be back here. It's dangerous." Minho said as he looked at the younger boy, walking over he wrapped an arm around the other eyes trailing to the woman's. "Do you need something?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Just using the bathroom." She muttered with gritted teeth as she walked toward the woman's room.

"Lets get you back Innie." Minho said with a sweet smile. Leading the younger boy back toward the bar he made sure no one touched or looked at Jeongin in anyway they didn't need to. "Oh Hyung. Where's Hyunjin?" Jisung asked as Minho took a seat smiling softly at the other. "Just a little caught up is all." He said glancing over at Jeongin who was getting back to work. 

"Here Innie you can take these ones." Jisung said as he handed the younger boy the two glasses of margarita. "Okay, I'll be back." Jeongin assured with a smile as he looked at the elder before rushing off. 

"He's to kind to be working in this environment." Minho mumbled as Jisung poured him a shot of whiskey. "That's exactly what we said about Felix and looked how he turned out." The other sighed looking at the stage where the said male was prepping. 

"Besides can't do anything if they have a natural talent for killing." He said reaching over and grabbing another bottle. "Like me?" Minho joked earning a hum from his boyfriend who leaned over and pecked him on the lips. 

"That's different baby."


"Your tense again." Chan said as he took a drag of his cigarette looking at Hyunjin who stripped off his bloody gloves. 

"Am I?" He asked wiping the blood off his gun before slotting it back in it's halter. "Well you did leave the door unlocked, and if anyone where to casually stumble in here I really wouldn't want to get rid of them." Hyunjin sighed as he stripped out of his bloodied shirt before grabbing his black button up. 

"And I really hate having to deal with that." He said walking toward the door passing Chan who hummed softly. "About Jeongin, do you really have an interest in the boy or are you just being your usual flirty self?" He asked making the other stop for a moment. With the click of his tounge Hyunjin tilted his head pursing his lips slightly.

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