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Hyunjin sighed as he looked at Jeongin laying down beside him sound asleep.

His eyes trailed to his neck were the red and light purple bruising was imprinted on his skin. A frown formed on his face as he gently reached out, his fingers gently brushing over the hued skin.

Guilt filled him as he sat up, reaching for his phone to check the time. 5:30 in the morning it read.

"Baby I have to go." Hyunjin said softly as he leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to Jeongins forehead. "Mm, don't leave yet." Jeongin mumbled sleepily as his eyes opened squinting at Hyunjin while he reached out to him. "I'll be back baby, I promise." Hyunjin said as he pushed Jeongins hair back from his forehead.

"Okay." He mumbled as he hugged his pillow giving a tired huff. A small smile formed on Hyunjins face as he slipped off the bed. Quietly he got dressed trying not to wake Jeongin who was already asleep again. Grabbing his gun Hyunjin bit his lip as he stared at it before putting it in his halter and grabbing his coat.

Leaving the room he quietly closed the door behind him as he walked down the hall.

Stopping at Chans office he opened the door and walked in, making sure to close it behind him.

Minho was already there leaning against the wall as he looked over at him. "I already gave Minho the details." Chan said as he looked at Hyunjin who gave a short nod. "You two should head out the drive is a bit longer."

Hyunjin followed Minho out, staying silent as they left the house and got in the car. "The Kim's again huh?" Hyunjin said as he buckled his seat belt. Minho have a short hum as he started the car. Hyunjin looked out of the windshield staring as Minho pulled out of the driveway and onto the road.

"Hyung, how did it feel when you hurt Jisung?" Hyunjin asked as he looked over at Minho who sighed.

"Horrible, I didn't sleep for a week. I was constantly at the hospital asking when I could see Jisung only to be told he didn't want to see me." Minho said with a sad chuckle as his hands gripped the steering wheel.

"I blamed myself for everything. I ended up on a murderous spree, taking every client Chan gave him me until he stopped giving me work." Minho huffed out as he bit the inside of his cheek. "Then there was Jisung, my sweet Hannie. He tried to talk with me again, even when I tried to dodge his every move. Eventually I stopped coming home during the day and stayed out at bars and clubs, trying to drowned out all of my guilt." Minho said as he turned down the street.

"All while Jisung fell into a depression. He had locked himself away from the world, rarely came out, rarely ever ate anything. Chan called, Felix called hell even you called and you and Jisung hadn't been on good turns back then." Minho said with a scoff as he stopped at a red light a deep breath leaving him as he leaned back, eyes staring mindlessly into the night.

"I was so selfish, so stupid to do that just because I was afraid of my ego, and my pride. While one by one Jisung fell apart, until his fragile heart shattered." Minho mumbled as he shook his head.

"When Chan called and said Jisung tried to kill himself I finally snapped out of it." Minho admitted as he glanced at Hyunjin who held as frown as he gave a slow nod.

"I remember walking into the hospital room seeing my Hannie hooked up to a machine, watching as tears well in his eyes when he saw me. Hearing his sobs as he cried out in apologies. Until I finally broke down and told him none of it was his fault, that all of it was because of me." Minho said with a sad smile as he shook his head.

"Hyunjin, whatever you do don't push Jeonginnie away. I know everything doesn't make sense right now, but Jeongin isn't bad." Minho assured as he pressed on the gas speeding down the road.

"Whatever happens, the best thing you can do is stay by his side."


"Jisung?" Jeongin said shyly as he knocked on the door of the others room. "You can come in." Jisung yelled from inside.

Taking a deep breath Jeongin opened the door flashing a sheepish smile to the other who was watching a movie. "Innie what's up? Do you need something?" Jisung asked as he looked over at Jeongin who gave a small nod as he cleared his throat.

"I-I was wondering if you knew anything about subs and doms?" Jeongin said meekly as he looked away in embarrassment.

"Sure, I know a lot. Has Hyunjin brought it up to you?" Jisung asked plainly earning a even more red blush from Jeongin who nodded. "Yeah, kinda. I uh kinda wanted to know more about it and he said you were the person to ask." Jeongin stated as he nervously picked at his finger nails.

"Have a seat." Jisung said as he patted the spot next to him on the bed. Slowly Jeongin made his way over, sitting down next to the other.

"Lets get started on the basics then."


"You wanted to see me." Seungmin said as he walked into Chan's office. The elder nodding as he looked up at Seungmin who walked over to the seat in front of his desk.

"Seungmin, is there something your not telling me?" Chan asked as he set his glasses down, his eyes staring sternly at Seungmin who pursed his lips. "What makes you think that?" He asked leaning back and crossing his legs, the corner of his lips curling in amusement.

"Seungmin." Chan said as he narrowed his eyes on the latter who sighed.

"Did you delete everything on Jeongin's case?" Seungmin asked calmly as he looked at Chan who furrowed his brows. "What?" He muttered in confusion as he looked at Seungmin who sighed.

"Its not you then." Seungmin said as he tossed the file onto Chan's desk.

"Most of Jeongins records are gone, even everything from the court trial." Seungmin stated as he crossed his arms, watching as Chan slowly lifted the file. "The judge for the trial was shot shortly after leaving the building." Seungmin said with a sigh as he shook his head.

"And then I found that photo." He said as Chan stared down at it with wide eyes. "I  didn't want to tell you." Seungmin admitted as he ran his tounge over his lips.

"But at this point, I'm not really sure what happened."

"And that's why we need to find out, what Jeongin was really doing."

/ Aaaaa

Have a good say or night~

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