Adas one Fantasy, to a Nightmare

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Bora: "Are you going to shut up already?"
Ada: "No I'm not going to shut up, Bora bey, you can't make me shut up!"
Bora: "I could make you shut up"
Ada: "No you can't!"
Bora then leans in and starts kissing Ada, shutting her up, like he said he would. He felt this was wrong, but at the same time he felt finally able to release all that tension, all that nervousness that he had about her. But he felt something wrong, something that wasn't right.
Ada couldn't believe it. She was kissing Bora. She felt so happy, but at the same time she felt guilty. She now realized that she was in love with him all this time, and never was she in love with Ruzgar. But how could she lie to him, when he gave all those chances to her for her to tell the truth. She couldn't do this to him, she couldn't break his heart even more then she already was about to do.
Ada then pulled back
Ada: "Im sorry, so sorry"
And then she ran out of the room, running out of the house, even forgetting about her not having shoes on
Bora knew he should have been mad, heartbroken because she left, but he couldn't. He wasn't going to let her go without an explanation, not like last time.
Bora then chased after her, trying to catch up, and finally did when they reached his backyard.
Bora: "Ada dür, stop!"
He said while holding onto her arm
Ada: "Please, please let go, I can't do this to you, I can't keep hurting you... Please"
Bora felt heartbreak in her words. She sounded so done with life, so done with herself, like she truly WAS tired of herself. Like she was caught in a net of emotions.
Bora: "I'm not going to let you go, I'm not doing that mistake again"
Ada tried to get out of his grip, until she felt the water sprinklers going on.
She then accidentally jumped to his arms , hugging him a bit gently.
Then realizing it was just like her dream she had long ago, with the water sprinklers. That dream felt like so long ago, that so much has changed since then.
She then knew that she couldn't get out of this one. That her subconscious was telling her it's time, time to tell him the truth, even if it meant losing him, and losing herself along with it.
Ada: "Bora I have to tell you the truth, but for me to do that you have to listen, not leave the first few seconds. Wait till I tell everything.."
Bora felt that he knew, he always knew something was wrong, something was never right. He was always at war, with his mind and with his heart.
His mind always told him no, that she was dangerous, but his heart, his heart also knew she was the only one who could break and heal him at the same time.
Ada: "I never knew how it felt like to be cared for, loved, before I met you. After my parents died, my aunts were forced to love me and care for me. I've always felt like a burden, even though I know I shouldn't. Parent love is different. It is where it teaches you true love, how it feels like to be loved back. But I never knew that. So at the moment where I thought I would have someone love me back... I jumped at the moment.."
Bora pushed her hair out of her face while tears started streaming down her face, she then continued to explain.
Ada: "I met Ruzgar when I was in college, he was a transfer from another country, and he was telling everyone he needed to get married, a white marriage, for him to stay in Turkey."
Ada: " I believed his lies. I believed his silver tongue when he said that he needed me, that I was his last hope. I gave EVERYTHING to him. I worked multiple jobs, I quit university just for him."
Ada: "But we were never close. We always slept in different rooms even though we were married. We never came closer than 6 feet. He saw me as mother, while I was hoping that would change one day."
Ada: "Until I saw him kiss Tugce, twice.Until you showed me what true love is. Until I met you...Bora"
Bora was speechless. He knew. He always felt there was something between them. He always just thought that he was jealous. She had also called him "Bora" instead of "Bora Bey" for the first time..
Ada: "I didn't mean to hurt you in the meantime... I swear....You showed me how to love myself, you showed me the best side of myself, I never thought I ever had."
Bora moved a step back, and took Ada out of his arms. Still feeling the sprinklers rain down on him, feeling like his world has been melting away.
Bora: "So you lied to me with every breath. Everything you told me, every excuse was a lie. I'm trying to understand, Ada. I really am. And I do understand. But it hurts, it hurts more than anything. I trusted you Ada. And you did the one thing I asked you not to, you lied."
Ada knew she deserved it. Deserved every word of it. And all those lies for what? All those lies told, just for the man who made her feel worthless, and made her waste three years of her life.
Bora: "But don't worry. I'm not mad at you, I understand you, and your point. I'm mad at myself for giving love another chance. I'm mad that I chose my heart, over my thoughts"

Bora: "I'm furious at you for lying to me all this time, for not telling me the truth. But really, I'm furious at myself for loving you"
She now saw a face she would never think she would ever see. The once strong Bora Doğrusöz, was now looking like he had lost a war. He looked pale, his eyes full of tears, and still fighting. Fighting the urge to stay strong, fighting the urge to not break her heart, even though she broke his".
Bora wanted to yell at her, wanted to scream out his heart, ask how she would lie to him, how she would break him like this. Because she was always the last person, he would ever expect to hurt him, to break his heart.
Bora: "I'm saying goodbye, because if I stay longer, I will hurt you, and I will hurt myself. But just know, I will always love you, because you taught me how to come back to life. You broke me out of my shell, and showed me the good parts of life-."

Ada then felt the whole world stop. Like everything and everyone was paying attention to her, to them.

She felt the clouds cover up the stars, the stars they once looked up together at Elifs birthday. Felt the once dry grass, now all muddy, and wet from sprinklers. She felt her once dream, in this very spot, now had turned into a nightmare. Where she would keep on seeing, over and over every night, where the sprinklers would open and she would slightly jump onto Boras arms. Then gazing into each other's eyes, never being able to pull apart.
That dream had now turned her life apart. Where it had come true, but as a nightmare instead.

She ran out of there before Bora could finish her sentence. She ran to her car, Güneş, while hearing Bora calling out her name, behind her back.
She got into her car and started driving. She didn't know where she was going, but she knew she wanted to go far, far away.
She couldn't stand knowing that she was the one who broke Boras heart once again, the one who failed him. The one who broke his trust.

She saw Boras' car behind her, seeing him call her, over, and over again. She then thought,
"Maybe I should stop, if he's calling me over and over again, and driving behind me, maybe were not over yet..."
Then when she puts her head back up, after staring at her phone, deciding to open his call, she sees that she's about to crash into the wall, finding out her brakes aren't working.
After Bora seeing Ada ran out of the house, not letting him finish what he was saying, he knew he couldn't lose her again. He didn't care if they started as friends, co-workers, or even more, he knew he wanted her in his life.
But when he saw her about to crash into the wall, he remembered himself whispering
"No, no, Ada please, open the phone, open the phone!!!"
And then when she finally opened his calls, he remembers her last words
"I love you Bora-

Dream to a Nightmare (Kiss to a car crash) Where stories live. Discover now