Ada's last gift: The letter

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Background Information: Ruzgar also wants to gain Ada back since she and Bora got together.

Setting: They are in the hospital now, and Ada has been pulled to surgery. Bora called Ali and Selin.

    Bora felt himself walk down the hallway, it was like time stopped. His memories of Ada, drenched in sweat, and blood, kept resurfacing.
   And now waiting for her to come out of surgery, waiting for any news if she's going to live.... or not... Was the hardest thing to experience
    He found himself then sitting beside a wall, hoping and praying she would be okay.
    He then pulled out his phone to call her aunts. Bora then calls Negris Teyzse
   Negris: "Hello Bora, it's very late. Is everything okay? Is Ada okay?"
  Bora heard her worry on the phone, and he couldn't take the words out. When he tried he kept choking on his tears, choking on his words. Because as he kept talking, memories of the car accident resurfaced.
   He then burst out in tears.
Bora: "We got into a fight, and she drove away. When I went after her, I saw her crash... She's not looking very well.. She might not make it.. She's... She's in surgery.."
  Negris: "WHAT!? We are on our way!!"
        As the call ended, he kept thinking what would happen now. If she didn't make it, how could he forgive himself?! Without seeing her smile everyday, her green sparkling eyes. She showed him how to smile, how to come back to life. And he left her because of a lie. A lie that she had said before she even met him. If he stayed to listen... This wouldn't have happened.. Even then he knew she has a good explanation.. But no he wouldn't stay.. He let her leave, finding them in this position.
    Bora: "Ada nolur, please be okay... Please.."
   He then saw Ali come down from the hallway, and slide down the wall, next to him.
   Ali: "She's going to be okay.. She's strong... She would never leave you..."
  Bora: "She told me she loves me... Right when she was crashing to the wall, she said she loves me, Ali. She could have called anyone else, she could have said anything else, but she said she loves me..."
   Tears were dropping one by one, slowly sliding down his cheek.
   Ali: "Don't blame yourself. If you knew this would have happened, you would have stopped it"
    Then he saw Selin come down the hallway, her eyes were puffy, like she's been crying for hours. But she smiled when she saw him.
   Selin: "Hy Bora... This is for you.. Ada wrote it the other day.. For you.. She told me, if anything happened, for me to give you this letter... I have a feeling she told everything, and you might have not let her explain, so I thought it was the perfect time to... Give it to you.."
     Bora then got up, and his eyes went straight to the letter. Ada had written him this... This little letter might be the last thing he'll ever get from her.. And it would be a letter, explaining herself, because he didn't listen in the first place..
   Bora: "Thank you, Selin. I appreciate it"
      Bora then walked outside of the hospital, until he was alone. He sat on a bench, and he started reading the letter.
   "Dear Bora..
       If you're reading this it means, I have told you everything, but you didn't let me explain. And it means that something has happened to me... I want you to first of all know that you were my first everything. My first kiss, the first time I ever held hands with anyone, the first time when I felt butterflies whenever I saw you and thought of you. You were the first person I loved.."

   As Bora read.. Tears started slowly falling down, one by one on the letter.

"I met Ruzgar in my last year of university. I saw him tell everyone that he was an immigrant, and until someone married him, they would have kicked him out of Turkey.. My whole life, I've been told of the "Baht '' in the family, that I would find nobody who would love me, or care for me. So I told him I would. But it wasn't as you thought Bora.. We only signed the marriage papers.. We had to live together but there were two separate rooms, two separate everything. I had to drop out, just to pay the bills. We never held hands, got closer than 6 feet, he used me. He made me feel worthless, he just used me to stay in Turkey.. I gave up my dreams. He always said he saw me as a friend, a sister. I was like his Visa. I then saw him making out with Tugce. Do you know what he said to me after? He told me that Tugce was better then me, prettier then me, more successful then me. He told me that she made him feel like a man. We always had separate lives Bora, I was just the one who paid for everything, who just took care of the breakfast and the bills. Other than that, we had no relationship"
As Bora read, he felt his anger getting bigger, and bigger, at Ruzgar for treating her this way.
   "But when I met you Bora... You showed me that I mattered.. That I had real talent, that I could do anything I wanted.. That if I tried my dreams would come true.. Bora, when I met you, when I laid eyes on you, I found out what love feels like. When we met, at the restaurant's Bathroom, when you cornered me to the wall, I was inches apart from you, I heard the beat of my heart change. I felt our hearts beat in rhythm, and from that day forward fate always brought us together. Day by day, it got harder to tell you, because day by day I fell more in love with you.. Bora, I love you.. And whatever happened to me now, I promise you I will come back to you. Because Bora, you will always be the only one I will ever love, in my entire life. Even if you choose not to come back to me.."
As Bora finished reading the note, memories of the first time they met surfaced.. Of him pulling her wheelchair out of the hospital, of her locking him in the bathroom later on, just to show her article to him. Bora now knew that he will never leave her again, that he will fight for her, till his last breath.
Bora then was interrupted with his thoughts when Ali called and said that Ada was out of surgery..

     Bora then ran into the hospital, and he stopped when he saw Selin
Bora: "Selin, thank you, for this.."
Selin: "Your welcome.. Anytime"
    Then Doctor Hakan approached them.

Doctor Hakan: "Are you the relatives of Ada Tozun? Her surgery has just ended successfully. Family members could go in and see her"

As Bora was about to reply, and continue the "Fiancé Lie", someone had squeezed their way into their conversation first.
    Ruzgar: "Hello, I'm Ada Tozuns husband, how is she doing? Could I see her?"
    How will Bora react to Ruzgar showing up? Will Bora be able to see Ada after she's out of Surgery? Read the next chapter to find out!
    Keep reading to see AdBor's parallel scene!!

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