Fighting for love: Boras letter

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Bora felt all his suppressed anger and fury, about to burst. How DARE Ruzgar come out of nowhere, after all he did to her, and start acting like he cared about
her all of a sudden.

Bora clenched his fist, felt his blood boil, the more and more he thought about it. He felt his anger flowing through his veins, wanting to burst.
Doctor Hakan: "Okay, you can see your wife in a couple of minutes, will come get you"
After he saw the doctor leave, Bora took Ruzgars arm
Bora: "Benimle Geliyorsun, your coming with me.... For a chat"

As Bora pulled Ruzgar outside, he felt, he knew that Ruzgar was also angry, angry that Bora was always by her side. And he knew, Ruzgar wanted to win her back, but he won't even let him be near her.

Bora then stopped when they went out of the front door of the hospital.

Bora: "Why are you here? You shouldn't be here"
Ruzgar: "Like I said, I'm her husband. If anything you shouldn't be here. Your just her boss, aren't you?"
Ruzgar had an ugly smirk on his face, knowing he was testing Boras Limits
Bora: "I know the truth already. After all you did to her, HOW DARE you still come here!?"
Bora was now pulling on Ruzgars shirt.
Ruzgar: "After all I DID?!? She's in the hospital BECAUSE OF YOU?! And who even are YOU to question me!? After all you've just met her, I've been here for 3 years. I've been by her side the whole time, I've lived with her, while you haven't had anything of hers."
Bora's grip on Ruzgars shirt tightened. He couldn't stand seeing the smirk on his face. He was showing off that he's married to Ada instead of worrying about her.
Bora: "I have something that you will NEVER have. I have her heart. She loves me. But she has NEVER loved you, she only cared for you, and that's it. Marriage is something just on paper, where you prove your love to the people around you. But how can you prove it, if there's nothing to prove? We don't need a signature on paper to say that we love each other"
Now it was Bora's turn to smile. He saw the anger that was now formed in his eyes.
Ruzgar wanted to say something. Wanted to reply back and erase the smirk off Bora's face, but then, Bora got a call from Ali.
Ali: "Come back, Ada woke up, and they are allowing visitors. Bring Ruzgar with you.. The doctors said that Ruzgar is ready to go in.
Bora: "Fine."
Even though he knew Ruzgar had to go in first, he couldn't stand it. Realizing that when Ada woke up, Ruzgar would be the person she sees first. While he's been here for hours.
Bora: "Ada woke up. And she wants to see you. Let's head back"

When they went inside he saw that Adas' aunts had arrived, and went straight to them.
Negris: "BORA! How is she!? Did she get out of surgery?!"
Bora: "She just got out of Surgey.. Ruzgars is going to go in to see her right now"
Negris Teyze: "Oh thank god! Well thank you for staying until we came. Her husband and her aunts are here, so you can leave. Thank you for staying"
Bora was trying, trying his best to calm down. After this whole time waiting for her to get out, seeing her drenched in blood with his own eyes, Ruzgar was going to stay by her side instead of him?! He could talk back, but instead he stayed quiet. Because even if he went inside to see her, they wouldn't get too much time to talk.
As Ruzgar went inside to see Ada, Bora couldn't take his mind off the note. And that her last words said to him was "I love you". So he had an idea.
He took out a pen and asked the front nurse for a piece of paper, and he decided to write his own note to her.
After he wrote her the note, he went up the Selin
Bora: "Right now there's too many people for me to see her. When you see her, give her this note, and make sure she reads it."
Selin: "Are you sure, you can go in right after Ruzgar and you can give it yourself"
Bora: "Her aunts ISN'T so found of me, and we won't have enough time to talk."

(3 minutes later)

As Ruzgar got out of Ada's room, he had this glum face expression, showing that it might've not gone as he thought it would have.

Then Selin went in right after him, after giving a nod to Bora.
Selin: "Hy.. How have you been feeling?! It took a lot of convincing for me to go in before your Aunts."
Ada: "Seeing that I could have been worse, I'll say I'm good-"
Ada then started coughing, which cut off her own sentience.
Selin: "Hy look I can't stay for too long, because your aunts wants to go in, but here you go. It's a note from Bora"
Ada immediately grabbed the note from her hand, when she heard it was from Bora. She wanted the first person she would see when she woke up to be Bora. Not Ruzgar.
She then opened up the paper and started reading it:
"Dear Ada,
I wanted to be the first to see you open your beautiful green eyes, but unfortunately I couldn't. Even if I did go inside, we wouldn't have time to talk that long either. I suspect your aunts don't like me much either. So I have a better idea. I'll pick you up tomorrow, for us to have dinner. Then we can talk all night. Also, I love you too".

How will Ada's aunts react to Ada having dinner with Bora?! Will they be able to be alone, or will Ruzgar interrupt everything once again!? Will Ada finally be able to stand up for herself once and for all?!

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