🌞Chapter 37

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The days passed peacefully. As Gulf became more used to his job, he became busier. He started to come home later from work.

Mew was also busier lately, after being put in charge of a new consulting job.

In between those busy days, during an evening in the middle of May, Mew showed up at Gulf's office.

"Oh, P'Mew. Long time no see." A familiar woman from Human Resources greeted him with a smile.

"Yes, it has been long time. How's business?" He was fairly sure her name was Bow.

She tilted her head as if she wasn't sure. "I heard that there are more registered users in our portal site. I'm not sure about the Sales Department though. Kao and Gulf are always visiting clients, but it doesn't seem like there have been any really large projects lately. Only small ones."

"Small ones are fine. As small ones accumulate, they become big ones."

"I suppose you're right."

He glanced towards the Sales Department, but the desks were empty, so it looked like Gulf hadn't returned yet.

"Is Soga here? We have an appointment."

"Yes, he's here. Please go ahead. I'll bring some coffee."

The presiden't door was open, as usual. As Mew walked in, Soga said, "Oh, I've been waiting for you!"

They exchanged small talk, while they waited for Bow to bring in the coffee. When she left, Mew began to talk about the real reason he was here.

"About Gu...N'Gulf's company housing..."

"Oh, it's moving along. It's not ready yet, but it shouldn't br too much longer now."

"About that...he can stay with me from now on."


"I don't care if he stays. When the company housing is ready, could you just let someone else have it?"

Soga was surprised. When Mew remembered his reaction when this all started, it was no wonder.

"What's this all of the sudden?"

"Oh, nothing. I just think it would be nice if things stayed the way they are now. N'Gulf has finally gotten used to the condo, so I would feel bad if he had to move again." Mew was a little flustered, and Soga laughed heartily.

"So it looks like you guys hit it off, huh? I'm glad! I was worried, because you usually hate everyone. But I guess everything's okay now."

"Hate...everyone?" He didn't know Soga had been worried about them. It was true that Mew had never liked strangers. It had gotten a little worse after he graduated from college, and it seemed like Soga had been anxious about it.

"Well, that's how N'Gulf is. That's why you probably let down your defences. Isn't he a good kid? He's so honest and serious. I have high hopes for him."

"Yes, I agree." Mew remembered how good the energretic Soga was at judging the character of others. Lots of former employees of his were thriving at other companies.

Thanking Soga, he excused himself from the president's office. In any case, he no longer felt scared about coming to pick up Gulf suddenly. Mew felt relieved.


He headed towards the Sales Department and found Gulf at his desk.

"P'Mew!" Gulf said, standing up.

"Good work today. How is everything?"

"Great! I'm doing my best. I've been visiting clients every day. Are you going home now?" Gulf quickly started to clear off the top of his desk, and Kao stared at him, exasperated. He didn't have to get so excited, even though Mew had come all the way to Gulf's office to invite him home.

"If you're done, you want to come home with me?" Mew smiled.

"Okay!" Gulf finished cleaning up his desk, grabbed his jacket and followed Mew. Kao and Bow watched them leave, and then looked at each other with wide eyes.

That night, Mew took Gulf out to dinner.

They ate at a famous Italian restaurant and slowly savored seasonal dishes. Gulf liked the red wine Mew ordered for them, and they exchanged small talk while they drank.

In the center of the table there was a glass candle votive, and in the other side of the fluckering flames, Gulf stared at Mew. His gaze felt comfortable. They enjoyed their dinner slowly, and then left the restaurant. They had planned on taking a taxi home, so they started to walk towards the main street. Gulf murmured, "I want to be with you tonight."


"P'Mew...I want to be with you forever."

Mew's heart pounded. He had thought this day would come. Gulf was a man, after all. It was natural for him to want to do more than just kiss. However, Mew was confused. He wasn't sure he was ready yet.

"What about you?" Maybe it was from the wine, but Gulf's eyes were slightly red.


"Can't I stay with you?"

Without answering him, Mew raised his hand and hailed a taxi. "Get in," he offered, as if to avoid answering. Gulf took that as a refusal and bit his lip with a hurt look on his face. He dejectedly got into the car. The taxi took off, and Gulf looked out the window silently.

Mew grabbed his left hand. He had been quiet, but when Mew squeezed his hand again, Gulf shyly squeezed his hanf back.


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