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Alya x Bakugou

I've been asked multiple times why I shipped this.

Especially when something as beautiful as Bakunette exists.

Well here you go.

Scenario 1:

"What are you doing," Bakugou asked Alya.

It was lunch time at UA and everyone was sitting in the Cafeteria.

"Updating the Bakublog"

"The WHAT."

Now that I'm in Japan I put Nino in charge of getting content for the Ladyblog. This has given me a lot of free time so I decided to make one about you. Don't worry, all the pictures and stuff on there is only visible by request."


"Because I can Suki."

Scenario 2:

"Wait up Bakugou," Kirishima called out.


The whole Bakusquad groaned until they heard a voice.


Bakugou stopped walking.

The Bakusquad watched in shock as  Alya ran up to them and they walked together.

Scenario 4:

No one had ever seen Alya cry.


It just never happened.



"Open up Cesaire time for dinner."

"No." Alya's muffled voice replied.

"I'll break this door down."

"Alya's shuffling feet were heard and the sound of the door unlocking.

Bakugou openned up the door and was apalled.

"What the-"

"Go away."

Her room was a MESS.

Whatever. it wasn't any of his buisness.

Bakugou turned around to leave but he felt the need to ask.

"What happened?"


"Your room is usually organized"

"You care?"


Bakugou slowly walked back inside the room, closed the door (To stop M*neta from getting any ideas)and sat down on the side of Alya's bed.

Alya began to speak, "I wanna go home."


"I don't fit IN. My Japanese is broken so I basically depend on Todoroki, Aoyama and you. The girls always leave me out. Marinette won't talk to me anymore and blocked me for some reason. Nino and I broke up a few months ago and our friendship feels awkward and forced. Adrien is no longer my 'partner in crime'. He ignores me just like Marinette for, 'only being friends with him for stuff' but I've never done that. My quirk is so useless I might as well have taken Zuzu's hero name. Everything is falling apart and-"

Suddenly Bakugou kissed her.

"Ummm...," Bakugou said staring at the wall, "I should have asked you first."

Alya just stared at him.

After some awkward silence Bakugou got up and began walking towards the door.

"Look Cesiar-Alya, I'm not good at supporting the extra-I mean my classmates and friends but, there is a reason you made it into UA and it's a one time experience. You can't throw it away. Very few people in France have a quirk and you just happened to be one of them. That's lucky. The class isn't trying to exclude you, especially not the girls. Go talk to them, broken Japanese or not. As for your friends at France, I don't mind meeting them when you go home over the break next week."

"And what makes you think you'll be coming?" Alya raised an eyebrow.

"Ummm, look. I've liked you for a while now Alya and I was wondering if-you know what I think that's Weird hair being needy again Imma go explode his face-I mean help him."



"If you're trying to ask me to be your girlfriend it's a yes."

"Ok but don't tell anyone yet."


"Also I don't act like this for anyone else so-"

"I won't tell anyone, though something tells me when they find out, it'll be your fault."

"Tch what ever. Anyway, Mina is gonna get suspicious so lemme yell your name and then you run down the stairs as I chase you so that everyone thinks we're fighting."

"You've really got everything figured out huh?"


"Ok well scream already."

Bakugou's face quickly turned from sympathetic to angry

"MR. FOX."

He made explosions and Alya ran down the steps to get away from him.

That's what I have today.



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