Ch 6: No Rest for the Weary

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Yang's Pov

As me and my team were about to deal with Torchwick after taking out his mech, some girl with pink and brown hair showed up and they both disappeared. We went back somewhat defeated. We had beaten an Atlas mech, but we weren't any closer to actually catching him. The only thing that stuck out to me was that Junior seemed to be carefully choosing his words when me and Neptune were questioning him. It was like he was trying to avoid letting something slip. I wanted to press him about it, but it was probably not worth it. I was mostly worried about Blake. She seemed tired and irritable. We knew she needed some rest, and then we heard that we had been selected to plan the upcoming dance. This was a good chance. I confronted her, and she eventually agreed to rest. 

Y/N's Pov

I arrived in Ozpin's office. He hadn't called me, I just needed to talk to him.

Y/N: "Ozpin, I just realized something. Amber's assailant could be making their move soon."

Ozpin: "What has led you to such a conclusion?"

Y/N: "If they are coming anytime soon, they probably came in with the waves of students from other schools. But with that many people around, it will be hard to actually do anything. But one night, everyone will be nicely distracted and unarmed. It's the perfect chance for them."

Ozpin: "I see. I will make sure to tighten security. Why don't you stay at the dance with your weapons on hand? We will simply claim that you are just doing that because of the attack at the docks, making people think that we are just being careful."

Y/N: "Sounds like a plan. In that case, can you make an announcement to the students that they should come to me if they see anything? That way, if anything happens, I can deal with it quickly."

Ozpin: "I suppose this means that you will not be able to really attend the dance."

Y/N: "I wouldn't if I was a regular student. Don't worry, I'm not missing out on anything." I turned and left. This could be it. Months of waiting, this could finally be what I was here for. I trained relentlessly over the next few days. If my theory was right, I was about to go up against half a maiden, alone.


Ruby's Pov

I sat alone on the night of the dance. At least we got Blake to come. I saw someone heading for a nearby building. They looked like they weren't up to any good, but I didn't want to chase them because of those stupid stilts. I remembered that they said to tell Y/N if we saw anything. That announcement had all but confirmed he was involved in more than he was willing to admit. Whatever, at least he could probably deal with this.

Ruby: "Hey Y/N? I saw someone run into that building over there. The don't look like they are allowed in."

Y/N: "Ok, stay here. Don't tell anyone I'm gone. No matter what." He disappeared. He seemed on edge, probably because he was responsible for protecting most of the school right now. 

Y/N's Pov

I was surprised that Ruby was level-headed enough to let me deal with this. I always knew both her and Yang to be impulsive, but I guess she was made leader of her team for a reason. I pulled out my scroll and called Ozpin.

Y/N: "I got a report of something suspicious. I'm going to check it out."

Ozpin: "Very well, just come back as soon as possible."

Y/N: "Of course."

This could be it. I went into the building, and found guards on the floor and saw that an elevator close. I looked around, and saw a stairway. I teleported through it to the only place the elevator might want to go, since this was an information building. I beat the elevator there, and stood in front of it. I disconnected my weapon from my belt, preparing for a battle. The door opened revealing a woman in a silly looking mask and a skin-tight suit. She looked surprised, but quickly got into a combat stance.

Y/N: "You weren't planning on leaving without saying hello, were you?" She immediately pulled out a bow and opened fire, which I blocked effortlessly. She jumped out of the elevator and formed two blades, taking several swings at me. I tauntingly moved just out of reach of each of them, just to make her mad. That way she would get more impulsive. She tried to hit me with some dust projectiles, but I was easily able to get out of the way. "Let's take this outside," I said. I teleported next to her and before she had time to react punched her through the window. I jumped after her and teleported to the ground, breaking my fall. We landed in the courtyard outside the dance. I felt the wind around me. It was weaker than what I had seen Amber do, but it was unmistakably from the maiden powers. This was what I was sent here to do. She fired more arrows at me, but I caught them with my gravity attachment and threw them back at twice the speed. They hit their mark easily. I could tell she hadn't had much practice with her new power, given that I was in total control of the battle right now. She started hovering in the air, and lunged at me. I hit her with a dust wave from my sword, knocking her back to the ground. She kept trying different attacks with her bow, dust crystals, and swords. I passively dodged every attack. Eventually I felt she was sufficiently frustrated, and decided to counterattack. "My turn." I pulled the same maneuver I used on the White Fang elite, sending her into the air and hitting her from everywhere at once. She couldn't defend against any of it, and I when I sent her to the ground, I didn't make the same mistake as at the dock fight. This time, when she landed, I was immediately back on the ground, and stabbed forward with my blade. It didn't break her aura, but she was sent flying. I teleported to where she would land, and did a spinning motion into the air, bringing my defenseless and dazed opponent with me. Without breaking the spin, I hurled myself back to the ground, creating a massive crater with her body. After all that, her aura finally broke. That was it. Months of waiting and suffering through being surrounded by immature students, I finally achieved my goal.

Yang's Pov

I was still reeling from seeing Jaune in a dress. I went outside to get some fresh air, and saw Y/N standing over someone, with two craters in the ground around them. He pulled out his scroll, and some Atlas people showed up to bring her with them. I realized that I hadn't heard the fight that had apparently been happening because the people laughing combined with the music had drowned it out. I looked back at Y/N, and noticed he looked tired. He turned and headed back toward the entrance. He avoided eye contact as he noticed me. 

Yang: "May I have this dance, mlady?" I asked jokingly.

Y/N: "No." He walked inside.

Emerald's Pov

This was bad. I had seen Cinder fighting that boy when they first came flying out of the building. I wasn't worried at first, but then I saw him start hitting her faster than I could even see. I thought of using my semblance to try to distract him, but he was moving to fast and the noise of the dance hall was too distracting. I knew Mercury and I had to go. If they could get Cinder, they would be on us next. I didn't want to leave her, but we didn't have a choice. If we stayed, we were all going to be caught. I looked back as we were fleeing, and saw the boy standing over her. "We'll be back, I promise."

Y/N's Pov

I couldn't believe it. I had just beat a maiden. Granted, she clearly didn't have much training with her powers, and only had half, but I was still surprised. Ozpin came up to me as I sat down. We couldn't leave with the security force, because it would draw attention.

Ozpin: "I must say, this is your most impressive success."

Y/N: "I don't care about impressing anyone. I care that a crisis might have just been averted."

Ozpin: "Regardless, you will still need to stay for at least the remainder of the school year. You are still officially a student, after all."

Y/N: "There are still other threats. The White Fang, Torchwick, and any accomplices this person may have had. It's not time to celebrate just yet."

Ozpin: "I profoundly disagree. You should enjoy some hard-earned rest after everything you've done."

Y/N: "I can't. Not when there is still something happening. Just because they couldn't get the Fall maiden powers doesn't mean we are safe."

Ozpin: "If you don't rest, you won't be able to properly face those."

I sighed. I just didn't understand how he could be so calm with what we were up against. The rest of the night was uneventful, thankfully. I just sat and waited for it to end. I hoped this would be the beginning of things finally turning back around for us.

The Headmaster's Errand Boy (Yang x Cat Faunus Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now