Ch 13: Battle of Beacon 1

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No Pov

It was just a normal day for the students at Beacon. After the beach attack, they had all started carrying their weapons just out of paranoia, but they were completely unprepared for what happened that evening. 

It was raining really hard, and visibility was low. As a result, the fleet of Nevermores was noticed later than it would have been. At the same time, the White Fang descended on the school and Vale, while Grimm came from everywhere. 

Quickly, a force of students from Beacon were sent to assist in Vale, including team JNPR and Goodwitch. A Geist had joined in at Beacon, using some bits of rubble as a body. The White Fang at Beacon were headed to the tower while accompanied by Hazel, Emerald, and Mercury. 

Amber had seen them coming, and had called Y/N and Ozpin to help.

Yang's Pov

We didn't know what was happening, but we saw Grimm and White Fang around so we started going at it. Eventually we found Y/N. He looked like he was trying to get somewhere else.

Yang: "Hey, where're you going?"

Y/N: "I have to get to the tower." He kicked a Grimm into the air and cut it in half. We saw a Geist in the distance. "Ruby, you and your team handle things here."

Ruby: "You can't stay and help that?"

Y/N: "If the tower falls, we can't call for help. Be careful."

So he just left us alone with one of the most powerful types of Grimm. We had to just fight it on our own. It hurled a piece of a building at me and Blake, but we both got out of the way in time. Ruby was giving it some trouble with her semblance, and Wiess had finally figured out her Glyphs could summon things to help, so she was keeping it occupied with those. 

Blake threw her weapon to me, holding the rope on her end. I grabbed it and she flung me at the Geist's head. I activated my semblance and hit it with everything I had. It didn't kill it, but it was dazed enough that we were all able to get good hits in. it then grabbed a pillar and attached it to its arm, which it used to take several swings at us. 

Using my semblance, I shattered the pillar and tired to get close to its body, but it defended itself fiercely. It used some bits of a wall to form armor and even dig into the ground and picked up a boulder to throw at us. Eventually Ruby figured out that we should target its mask, and we got it off, killing it. Some Nevermores landed and came at us right afterward, so we jumped into action. 

No Pov

Glynda's team of Students arrived in Vale as fast as possible, but the sheer chaos made it difficult. As soon as they landed, their bullheads were sent back full of evacuating civilians. They took to the streets and started killing everything that moved. 

Pyrrha was sticking close to Jaune because he was still just getting on his feet with fighting. At least that was her excuse. Ren and Nora were doing fine on their own, so they didn't care. A group of Beowulfs ran at them, and Nora noticed a destroyed power line and walked over to it.

Ren: "Oh, no." She touched it and activated her semblance. She went full force on them. Ren just kept his distance and picked off the the stragglers. When the smoke cleared, there was nothing left.

Y/N and Ozpin got to the bottom of the tower. They were greeted by the sight of Amber wiping the floor with the entire force of White Fang. Eventually, only the mysterious man who Y/N had fought, Hazel, Emerald, and Mercury remained. 

???: "Impressive, girl. But even you can't stop all of us." Emerald was going to use her semblance, but Y/N teleported next to her and punched her away from the group.

Y/N: "She doesn't have to." Mercury came at him, only for Amber to blast him with hurricane-force winds. Hazel jumped at Ozpin, and the two began to fight. The White Fang member joined in against the headmaster. 

Y/N teleported to where Emerald had landed. She swung at him, but he just tauntingly teleported around her. He wanted to give her at least a taste of what Amber felt: not being able to see or hit her enemy. She got increasingly angry, and Mercury joined her against Y/N. 

Amber tried to help Ozpin, only for the White Fang assassin to break off and force her into a defensive position with his semblance. Mercury sent several kicks at Y/N, but couldn't land a hit. Eventually Emerald finally got a lock on him with her semblance, but he noticed Mercury disappear and immediately sent dust waves in every direction. 

One hit Emerald, breaking her concentration. Y/N pressed his advantage, getting her into the air and hammering her until Mercury forced him to back off. But the damage was done. Emerald was only barely still in the fight, and Y/N immediately went for Mercury. Now he was the one taking the swings, and Mercury couldn't keep up. 

His aura was quickly draining, and the two of them desperately tried to attack together, no realizing it was a fatal mistake against Y/N's specific abilities. He just teleported next to them and plowed through both with one move, breaking both of their auras instantly. They laid unconscious, and Y/N turned to help the others, only to be greeted with a sight that he would never forget.

Ozpin had tired to reason with Hazel, but he was beyond any words at this point. No matter how much he appealed to whether his sister would have wanted this, or even that it might not have been his fault, nothing worked. And it didn't help that this mysterious White Fang member was assisting him. 

Eventually he broke off to fight Amber, while Y/N dealt with the two young companions of the group. Ozpin knew that Y/N's would probably be the first fight to end, due to his opponents not knowing his full capabilities. 

Ozpin used what magic he was willing to show, but he knew it was no use. Maybe his death would finally give this poor man some peace, even if he still came back. On top of that, this body was getting old. It would die at some point. Y/N was capable of picking things up until he returned. So he just did what he could, and eventually Hazel shattered his aura and slammed him into the ground. Ozpin laid there, bloody and beaten.

Ozpin: "I hope you find peace someday, Hazel. I'm sorry for what happened to your sister." Hazel brought his fists down. Just then, Y/N looked over and saw what was happening. He would have been shocked, but he knew it wouldn't be long before Ozpin was back. He teleported to Hazel and knocked him back.

Y/N's Pov

Hazel: "Why do you follow that monster? You are nothing but an errand boy to him!"

Y/N: "At least I don't follow the person who created the monsters that killed the person I want to avenge."

Hazel: "Ozpin was responsible for that!" That's right, get angry. He lunged at me, but I easily got out of the way and swung my sword, doing massive damage and sending him flying again. Since my semblance always exerted whatever force was needed, my attacks would be a lot stronger against him. 

He got up, clearly getting more and more enraged. He stabbed more dust crystals into his arms and jumped at me. I teleported to where he was in the air and sent him crashing to the ground. I teleported back down, and the White Fang member landed next to me, stunned. With a quick look, Amber and I decided to switch.

Yang's Pov

My team was kicking Grimm butt until I saw Blake go into a building to check if anyone was there. I thought nothing of it and kept killing anything I saw that was White Fang or Grimm. 

Then I looked again, and saw a faunus boy who looked slightly older than Blake standing over her. Without thinking, I immediately jumped at him, only for him to look up and swing his weapon. The next thing I knew, I was in horrible pain and I couldn't feel my arm. I quickly blacked out while seeing the boy stab Blake for good measure. 

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