Ch 33: Retaliation

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No Pov

Y/N woke up slightly faster this time. When he did, they held a small funeral for Amber. Yang could tell he was holding back tears. She had been one of the only friends he had. They buried her with her staff. Teams RWBY and JNPR had also grown to like her. They were thankful that the power had gone to someone who would use it for the right thing.

The inspected the body of the hound. They saw a person with silver eyes inside. He looked like Grimm flesh had grown over his face. They didn't know what to think of it.

Afterward, Ozpin and Y/N began coordinating with Ironwood to get the lamp back. It was on a secure channel they had created for only this meeting.

Y/N: "So you have a dust bomb powerful enough to destroy this thing?"

Ironwood: "It is capable of leveling an entire city. It will be enough. It is far enough away from civilization that nobody will see. You will go in, get the lamp, and leave. You will call us when you are safely away, and we will pull back and detonate it."

Y/N: "Sounds like a plan. Who are we bringing for this?"

Ironwood: "Penny and the Aceops will be going."

Ozpin: "I will have Ruby's and Jeane's teams with us as well."

Ironwood: "You are sending children for this?"

Y/N: "They can handle it. Don't worry. You don't need to hold the Grimm for long. If this is the size Mercury says, I can comb the entire place in less than 5 minutes."

Ironwood: "Good. We can certainly hold them that long. But I do not understand why the lamp warrants letting Mercury Black free. How will it be worth that much?"

Ozpin: "She can ask it any question about our plans. Is that not a massive threat to us?"

Ironwood: "I see. We will conduct the operation as early as possible. She used a large number of Grimm on the attack a few weeks ago, meaning now is as good a time as any to retaliate."

Ozpin: "In that case, I will make arrangements to send my students to help." They got both teams and made a fake student mission for them to go on. They were on the bullheads by the end of the day.


Y/N's Pov

We arrived a fair distance away from where the whale was supposed to be. We could see it lying on the ground from where we were. The others attacked and I teleported as fast as I could and found an opening inside. There were a few seers patrolling it, but I was fast enough that none saw me. I found the lamp in less than a minute. I grabbed it as fast as possible.

Y/N: "Jinn." I saw everything freeze around me.

Jinn: "Well, well, well. I was waiting far to long in there. And what might you want to know?"

Y/N: "How can Salem be beaten without brining the gods back?"

Jinn: "There it is. Ozpin never thought of that until now. You already have a half of what you need. She was made immortal by the power of the gods, and there is a way to replicate that and undo it. You need all four maidens to start. You have two." I thought about Amber for a moment. "You already know where the Spring Maiden is. The Summer Maiden is in Salem's possession. She keeps it here." She showed me a location on a map that appeared in front of me. It was several miles further from civilization than here. "I'm sure you can guess who it is." Oh no. I was right. "And next, you need both kinds of silver eyes. They are a fragment of the gods' power that can undo their actions. You only know about one, the light variant. But when Salem realized the threat the pose to her, she started trying to corrupt them, producing the dark version. She controls them, but a blast from normal eyes will free them. The two together combined with the Maidens can undo her immortality and kill her. It will even free Ozpin from his reincarnation and kill him as well." I couldn't believe it. It was that simple? "Is that all you need to know?"

Y/N: "Uh... Yes. Thank you."

Jinn: "I have one question left for now. If you need anything else, you know where to find me." She smiled and pulled back into the lamp. Everything resumed around me. I heard footsteps from the doorway I had entered through.

Tyrian: "Well, if it isn't Ozpin's little errand boy." I turned and saw he matched the description Raven gave us.

Y/N: "Out of my way, freak. I don't have time for this."

Tyrian: "You'll have to go through me."

Y/N: "Fine." I readied myself to attack, and then simply teleported past him and took the route out of the whale that I came in through. It had closed over, but I just punched through with Yang's old gauntlet. I pulled out my scroll. "Clover, I'm clear. Send it."

Clover: "Good job, kid. Everybody clear!" Everyone pulled back and they detonated the bomb, destroying the whale. I got back and we all left. I had seen that scorpion faunus get out, but I didn't care. We had gotten something much more important today. I handed the lamp to Oscar.


We arrived at Beacon without incident. Immediately, I met with Ozpin and told him everything. He was a shocked as I was. Unfortunately, the others overheard us. While he had his guard down, Ruby grabbed the lamp from him and used it after overhearing Jinn's name. She wasn't sure it would work, but she guessed right. 

The next thing I knew, everyone was looking angrily at Oscar. They were bearing down on him. I knew what they had asked. I teleported in front of him and took my weapon off my belt.

Y/N: "I know all of you are angry, but this won't help anyone."

Ruby: "He hid this from all of us! How can you defend him?"

Y/N: "He didn't hide it from all of us. Listen, we have a way to kill her now. It's not hopeless. That's why we wanted the lamp back." I told them what I found out, and they started to relent. "I understand you're angry we kept this from you. We needed to make sure our side didn't lose hope and give up like Raven did. Now that we know a way to stop Salem, it's not as bad that you found out. I'm sorry."

Ruby: "Wait, so where's the Summer Maiden then? We know where the others are, but you didn't mention her."

Y/N: "She's in a really bad place. It's your mother, Summer Rose. She tried to take Salem down herself. She was captured and Salem has been corrupting her. Her dark silver eyes are actually one of the things we need, but Salem doesn't know that. We can end this in the next year if we play our cards right. Ruby, when we get to her, we need to subdue her and blast her with your silver eyes." 

I realized she didn't know what they were capable of yet, so I explained to her what they actually did.

Ruby: "So that's what happened when Adam cut off Yang's arm."

Yang: "And that's what you meant that Mom was dead or worse."

Y/N: "I'm sorry, I couldn't tell either of you." I looked at Yang and Ruby. "Please. Just don't give up. We still need you all. Ruby, Ozpin can help train you to use your gift. He's seen a lot of people like you." The thought about it for a while and agreed.

Ruby: "Well, I need some sleep. We'll finish it, since we're apparently so close." The others agreed.

Y/N: "Thank you. I know we have no right to ask you for this, but we need you." They left to head to bed, leaving me alone with Ozpin.

Ozpin: "Thank you, Y/N."

Y/N: "What was I supposed to do?"

Ozpin: "I know it must have been hard to stand against them."

Y/N: "We still need to finish this war. I told Amber I would stand alone if I have to, and I meant it." Yang came back in.

Yang: "Come on, honey! I'm tired!"

Y/N: "Do not call me honey." I followed her to our room. She sat down and seemed to have something on her mind.

Yang: "There's something I have to tell you."

Y/N: "What?"

Yang: "I didn't tell my team about this, but after we saw Salem's origin, the rest of my team froze too, and I saw what your nightmares meant."

Y/N: "Wait, what? How?"

Yang: "It's a long story. You better settle in."

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