A strange feeling

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Editied for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errers. I am not the best with any of these so if you see something please let me know. I have been writing a Assassin's Creed fan-fiction and I hope you all like it no this does not mean I am going to stop working on my other projects I have just ran into walls at to where I want those ones to got as well as to thinking of rewriting them as well fair warning there will be nudity and sexual content in this story as well as strong curse words.


I just finished the second assassin's creed my boyfriend sat behind me as my best friend sat next to me reading over lyrics I wrote this morning "I love the lyrics" Rebecca said as I got up stretching my body as it popped with pleasure "I am glad to hear that maybe we can practice playing it tomorrow." I said leaning over to my boyfriend and kissing his cheek as a grab the leather jacket that was next to him "I am gonna go grab some pizza Max" I said as I slipped my boots on I was wearing a black tank top and short shorts with my leather kick-ass boots and leather jacket you could see all my tattoos the ones on my legs and the ones on my right arm which was two think lines on the wrist the Assassin's Creed symbol and another two think lines under my elbow with swirly vine-like tattoos above my elbow you could see the tattoos on my side as well being of almost the same pattern as the swirly vine but with a flower and a Pokeball and my leg tattoo which was a flower a moon and a bigger flower with more swirly vines going down and up my leg.

I put my dark brownish blackish hair into a ponytail as I walked to my door opening it and walking out. Shutting my door behind me I hear the Xbox start up a game as I head to the stairs as I start walking down them to grab my wallet, keys, and head out the door to get on my motorcycle. Starting it up I backed out of my driveway slowly turning my bike in the direction of the exit of my property. I looked up at my house before taking off it looked like the homestead Connor lived on the homestead has been in my family for many generations and since I was a small child I've always loved being here. My grandmother owned it and then gave it to me in her will after she passed away as she had willed my older sister her own as well this way while my band and I practice it didn't disturb the neighbors. I took off down the dirt driveway remembering when mom and dad asked if they could build our house to how we wanted them. The thought was that maybe I was going to tear down the old house but instead I just asked for repairs to be done and heating and air conditioning to be added so it would be easier to keep it warm.

The memories put a smile on my face as I drove down the road feeling the wind on my skin as I made it off my property. Something felt off it was too quiet, too quiet; I looked around nothing was there. I shook off the feeling and kept going tell I made it to the exit ramp to town which took me 15 minutes to get to. I got to the first stoplight in town the one that always took the longest time to change from red to green. I looked up to the sky seeing the sky becoming dark as night drew near. Suddenly a flash of purple flashed across the sky making me look around no-one seemed to notice the weird anomaly going on so I shrugged it off slightly thinking maybe I was still high from that morning. The light changed from red to green, I took off tracking the next 10 minutes to The Pizza Palace. Pulling into the driveway I parked my bike and hopped off and headed into the restaurant to see my friend Rodrigo who is Hispanic and gay he is one of my best friends as well. I waved to him and he smiled "Hey Girl how are you?" he asked as I walked over to the counter "Not much just going to order some pizzas the normal a vegetarian, gluten and dairy-free, and meat lovers with extra meat and double up on it today I need two of both as well as two cheese pizzas and some breadsticks" I said as he nodded his head looking at me "Is everything all right with you know" he asked as I nodded my head "Yeah he is hanging out with Rebbecca right now all though I have my sneaking suspicions about the two of them" I said as he nodded his head "Which sucks that I have this feeling because she is one of my best friends I'd hate to think she do me dirty like that" I said as I slipped my card into the card slot to pay for the pizzas.

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