Chapter 1: -My Life-

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My life was simple until about 5 years ago...

I grew up in Charleston, South Carolina. About 3 and a half years before my mom and dad moved there they lived in The Outer Banks, At least that was were all of my family was. My family would always take turns traveling to Charleston and us to Outer Banks for the holidays. For Christmas my mom, when she would order our presents, would always send them to Grandma Mattie and Grandpa Joe's house so they could rap them so that when we left Christmas Eve our presents would be there so we could open them with our cousins. I mean it was great! but... I hated driving the 7 hours, it sucked. My sister never knew how to shut her damn mouth, it truly annoyed the hell out of me. It took everything in me to not strangle her. Until on year my parents got me beats, they had read my mind.

Ok enough about my family! Your probably wondering "What dose this girl even look like" and "What even is her name?" Well. Hi, My name is Lexington Allaband and i'm a 17 y/o whos about 5'7 and I have Brown hair with Blonde highlights and hazel eyes. All my life I had been taller, it honestly never bothered me until about the 5th grade... The kids at school bullied me, not gonna lie the people here were total assholes! The girls always made fun of my height and seamed to hate me, which in-fact I was a tall 5th grader but, I was really popular, and by popular ALL the boys would hit on me. Honestly i didn't mind but after a while I got sick of it. That's when my parents decided to move.

It was the end of the year. We only had 2 weeks of school left, I had noticed stuff gradually moving out of my house but my 11-year-old brain couldn't comprehend what the hell was going on.

My mom had just picked me up from the last day of school. "God am i glad to go home" I sighed. "What's wrong sweety?" my mom said with a concerned confused look on her face. "School" I sighed staring out the window at the palm trees as my mom drove. "What about it?" my mom said concerned. "Girls." "Ugh I hate girls". *my mom chuckled at what had came out of my mouth* "No actually." I said looking at her with a glare. "Today Emma got mad at me because her stupid boyfriend Mason has a crush ON ME!" "Like I'm sorry that your little boy toy isn't satisfied anymore" My mom looked at me in shock almost swerving of the road. Considering I never gave into talking about my feelings with my mom, and I was a 5th grader calling an 11-year-old boy a "boy toy". Hearing those words come out of my mouth from her side was a once in a blue moon- actually no I had never had an out-burst like this before, I shocked myself too. I was a 5th grader and couldn't take a hint, but I wasn't dumb, and had access to the internet at a young age so I learned a few sayings from there.

When we got home my mom and dad called me into the living room.

"Lexington! Come down here please!" my mom yelled. I stopped playing with my American girl doll and walked down the stairs with an annoyed expression. "What did I do now!" I said with an annoyed face. "Also before you tell me, we talked about this! Please come to me instead of making me come to you! Your disrupting my play time." My dad chuckled at my dramaticness. "Watch it young lady!" My mom said in an angry tone now glaring at me. I rolled my eyes "Okay, okay." "What do you need?" I said now giggling with my dad. "I have big news!" she said with a big smile. I looked at her confused. "We are moving to Outer Banks!" my dad said smiling. I didn't know how to re-act. I was glad that I got to get away from the snobs here, but I was also kind of afraid. I mean I really had nothing to loose, I had no friends, and everyone either saw me as a giraffe who got all the boys, or a complete hottie. No but seriously! What do boys find so attractive in me, I never really got what they saw but it did make me kind of happy that someone liked me.

5 years later...

Let me catch you up. Ok so i'm labeled as a "Kook" which I have never understood the point in those stupid ass labels. I really just believed they gave rich people a reason to be assholes to those who were not as wealthy which really pissed me off. Oh! and another thing, I have a terrible temper and attitude which doesn't help at ALL. I'm always getting grounded for smart talking my family and parents, it was a bad habit but I couldn't help it! It was officially apart of my personality. Which also didn't help with my social life. I was popular yeah, yeah, but I didn't care about that. I was labeled as a bitch, which kind of annoyed me but it was whatever. My bestfriend was Sarah Cameron. We had been super close ever sense the 6th grade when I moved in next door. When we moved here her family invited us over for dinner. When we arrived I sat next to Sarah and Wheezie and we had hit it off from there.

Rafe Cameron

God I hated Rafe Cameron. We always fought and everyone knew us as enemies. He hated me and I hated him. He had an attitude and a very short timper so as I and it didn't go together, like AT ALL. Everytime me and Sarah had sleepovers we would always greet echother with the middle finger.

(Present day)

It was about 5 o'clock when Sarah texted me asking if I wanted to come swim and sleepover. Usually she would of invited other people over too but this time she didn't. Which was a bit suprising but I was kind of happy because it had been years sense just me and her had a sleepover together. Wheezie wasn't there that night because she was at a friends house and Rafe wasn't home. When I got there it was about 5:30 pm. I wore my bathing suit over and me and Sarah ate when I got there. Now it was like 7 pm.

"Hey wanna swim now the suns going down!" Sarah said with her hand poking me in the side. I jumped up squealing "Hey!" I laughed her laughing with me. "Yea I would like to take you up on that offer" I was standing in the door as I watched her jumped in the pool screaming. I then took my time taking off my short bending over to put them with my shirt, I didn't mind my ass hanging out because everyone was gone. At least I tought...

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