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Dearest reader, the time has come to place our bets for the upcoming social season. Consider the household of the Baron Featherington. Three misses foisted upon the marriage market like sorrowful sows by their tasteless tactless mama.

Far better odds might exist in the household of the widowed Viscountess Bridgerton. A shockingly prolific family, noted for its bounty of perfectly handsome sons and perfectly beautiful daughters.

I stand in the foyer with my brothers. I can hear our younger siblings coming down the stairs.

Eloise groans. "I am already roasting."

"Are you to complain the entire day, Eloise?" Francesca asks.

"Surely I cannot be expected to bear these fashions the entire day," Eloise insists.

"I feel like a princess. Do I look like one?" Hyacinth asks.

"Do you truly wish to know what I think you look like?" Eloise remarks.

"On your left!" Gregory shouts as he runs down the stairs past Hyacinth pulling her headband off in the process.

"Oh, Gregory!" Hyacinth shouts as she chases after him.

"Ezra!" Gregory shouts as he tosses the headband to the younger boy.

"Is our dear sister still not ready?" Benedict asks.

"She's only been readying herself the entire night," Francesca tells him.

"You mean her entire life," Eloise counters.

"I shall run upstairs and hasten her along," Colin offers.

"Colin, wait. I'll do it," Benedict tells him.

"She likes me better than you, Benedict," Colin says.

"Did she say that?" Benedict asks.

"Everyone says that," Colin insists.

"Both of you quiet. I shall get her," I tell them.

"Daphne!" Eloise shouts. "You must make haste!" She turns back to the rest of us with a smile. "Should you think she heard me?"

With Daphne finally coming down the stairs we make haste for the door. As we are leaving, so are the family who live across the street, the Featheringtons. The youngest Penelope is Eloise's best friend and she is making her debut today along with Daphne.

Mama looks to Benedict as he ascends to the front of the carriage. "Any sign of him yet?" Benedict sighs. "Should your brother wish to be obeyed as Lord Bridgerton, he must act as Lord Bridgerton. Where is he, Benedict?"

"I do not know," Benedict assures.

"Hmm," Mama hums. She then turns her attention to me. "Beatrice?"

"I can assure you I have not a clue," I tell her.

Without Anthony we head to the Palace. To my slight surprise Anthony is there to greet us.

"Anthony! You are here," Daphne says in surprise.

"Of course I am here, Sister," Anthony tells her. "I'd never miss such an important day for you and our family."

"No, you would just be late for it," Mama tells him.

Anthony brushes it off and smiles as he holds his arm out to Daphne. "Shall we?"

I take the arm of Benedict as we follow in after them.

Today is a most important day, and for some a terrifying one, for today is the day London's marriage-minded misses are presented to Her Majesty the Queen. May God have mercy on their souls.

fly to the time of day//simon bassetWhere stories live. Discover now