Miss Thompson has agreed to meet with Colin and I.
"Miss Thompson," I greet. Marina curtseys. "Thank you for joining us."
"I did not realize I had a choice," Marina tells her.
"My brother wished for an audience. And I wish to avoid any further scandal attached to my family's name. I will remain here as a chaperone," I tell her as I sit on the couch. I pull out a book trying not to be obvious with my eavesdropping.
"Marina... You must tell me that this Whistledown woman is mistaken. What she wrote, it cannot be true," Colin insists.
"But it is," Marina confesses.
"You are with child? I do not understand. We were to be wed. You... You said you loved me," Colin says.
"Colin, I hold you in the greatest esteem," Marina tells him.
"'Esteem'? You are a cruel woman indeed to stand here and talk of friendly affection, as if you have not just committed a grave sin against me," Colin says.
"Speak not of sin, Mr. Bridgerton. I did not come here to be shamed by you, nor anyone else. I did not know better. You may think me a villain, but I did what I thought I must. No one ever truly helped me, or guided me in a different direction. I had no choice. I needed to wed. And you, you were the only man who offered me even a glimpse of happiness," Marina explains.
"So I should feel flattered, then? Consider myself lucky that you chose me, lied to me, tried to trick me into a fraud of a marriage?" Colin questions. "I shall take my leave of you
for the last time, Miss Thompson." Colin walks to the door but stops and turns back to face Marina. "You wish to know the cruelest part of your deception? If you had simply come to me and told me of your situation... I'd have married you without a second thought. That is how in love I believed myself to be. But I see now that was all a lie." Colin walks out the door.
"I believe I would like to return home now. After all, we don't want another scandal attached to your family name," Marina tells me before leaving.
Lily walks into the room. "The carriage is waiting, ma'am. We must prepare for the queen's luncheon."
I nod my head. "Of course."
I walk into the Queen's luncheon with my whole family. I hold hands with Ezra. He has not wanted to be out of my sight since my return and I do not blame him. Since his father's passing it has been him and I. We are rather close and I like it that way.
"Oh, is this not lovely? All of us together again," Mama says.
"Lovely, indeed. We should tempt scandal more often," Colin remarks.
Two women curtsy as they approach me. It is still a rather odd concept for me to get used to.
"Duchess, may I say how well you look?"
I smile. "Oh, you are too kind."
"Is it not marvelous to be wed?" the other woman asks.
"It is both a joy and a wonder indeed," Simon tells her.
"Make way!" Her Majesty shouts. "Must you all act like sheep flocking to the trough?" Everyone bows and curtsies for Her Majesty. "I have 100 guineas wagered on there being a Hastings heir within the year. Are you yet with child?"
"We have certainly been devoting our energies to the endeavor, Your Majesty," Simon tells her. "We should hope to see our queen soon satisfied."
"See to it that you do," Her Majesty says before stepping off.

fly to the time of day//simon basset
Fanfictionfly to the time of day: wise to the ways of the world Beatrice "Betty" Blackmore is certainly wise to the ways of the world. At twenty seven she is widowed with one son. She has moved back in with her family with the hopes of giving her son the best...