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The season's opening ball at Danbury House is a most highly sought-after invitation, indeed, for every darling debutante from Park Lane to Regent Street will be on display. Titled, chaste, and innocent, this is what they have been raised and trained for since birth. Tonight, we shall discover which young ladies might succeed at securing a match, thereby avoiding the dreadful, dismal condition known as "the spinster."

Lady Danbury is a most impressive woman. Her opinion of someone holds almost as much weight as Her Majesty herself. To have her on your side is to have a strong ally.

I walk into the ball with Mama, Daphne, Anthony, Benedict, and Colin.

"They're all staring, Mother," Anthony says.

"Allow them to come to you, dearest," Mama tells Daphne.

Lord Ambrose walks towards us and bows. "Lady Bridgerton, Miss Bridgerton. Lady Blackmore. Lord Bridgerton."

"I believe you have already been introduced to my daughter Daphne, Lord Ambrose," Mama says.

"Uh, yes. We met at your brother's levee," Lord Ambrose tells her.

"If I recall, my lord, you had just won your first race at Newmarket," Daphne says.

Anthony interrupts. "His first and only, I believe."

"Well, in that case, let us hope his lordship has found himself a new horse," Daphne offers.

"I haven't had the pleasure of seeing you at our club lately, Ambrose. Should it have anything to do with the unpaid balance you left on our betting books winter last?" Anthony asks.

Lord Ambrose bows and leaves without another word.

"Ambrose is a cheat," Anthony says. "A man of any honor ensures his debts are fully paid."

"I did not realize..." Daphne starts.

"Well, how could you have done? It is the very reason I am here, Sister," Anthony tells her.

"That is why both of us are here," I clarify.

"Let us take a turn about the room," Anthony offers.

Daphne points at one young man. "He is rather pleasing.

"He is rather here to shuffle about hunting fortunes," Anthony says.

"Trust Mr. Lewis knows of your sizable dowry," I add.

"Leave him be," Anthony instructs.

Daphne gestures to another young man. "I presume you know of him too?"

"Mr. Worthington. Second son," I tell her.

"We shall find better," Anthony insists. Another young man walks by eyeing Daphne. "He is of dubious parentage. I shall not have you making a life with a poet, heaven forbid. Nor an eccentric. My word!"

"Anthony! Betty! Daph!" Benedict shouts.

"If the only gentlemen present this evening are your brothers, then we're in a great deal of trouble, indeed," Anthony tells Daphne.

"You continue to say 'we.'" Daphne says.

Benedict and Colin walk over towards us.

"Did Mother tell you yet? About my tour? I'm to begin in Greece," Colin tells us.

"Greece? How adventurous, Colin!" Daphne remarks.

"Marvelous, Colin. Absolutely wonderful," I tell him.

"On guard!" Anthony warns.

Colin and Benedict both try to move away as Lady Danbury approaches us.

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