Daphne is readying for the ball tonight.
"Will it be the rubies or the pearls, miss?" Rose asks.
"The pearls, of course," Mama says.
"Mama, perhaps the rubies would better catch the eye of even more new suitors?" Daphne offers. "If I am not to put all my eggs in one basket, I must... collect more... eggs."
"The duke truly has put your head in a spin," Eloise states.
"More like Lord Berbrooke must spin far away," Daphne says.
The door opens and Mrs Wilson rushes in.
"Good heavens. What is it, Mrs. Wilson?" Mama questions.
"The queen, ma'am," Mrs Wilson states.
"Has she fallen ill?" I ask.
"Has King George caused her harm?" Eloise questions.
Rose notices the letter in Mrs Wilson's hands. "Her Majesty's royal stationery."
"She has written to you, my lady," Mrs Wilson tells Mama.
Mama takes the letter and opens it.
"What does it say, Mama?" Hyacinth asks.
"I am invited to a private tea with the queen in two days' time," Mama tells us. "Never mind the pearls. You shall wear the family diamonds tonight."
I arrive at the ball as always with my family. All eyes are on Daphne. The Duke and Lady Danbury approach us arm in arm.
"A dance, Miss Bridgerton?" the Duke asks Daphne.
"I shall need someone else to seek me a glass of ratafia, then," Lady Danbury says. "Lord Bridgerton... do me the honor?"
Anthony reluctantly agrees. "Of course, Lady Danbury."
I turn to Benedict. "I suppose you shall be enough company for me."
Benedict feignes offense. "I suppose I shall."
I laugh lightly. "Ezra was very pleased with the story you told him before bed this evening."
Benedict smiles widely. "I am glad."
"Do you think you will have kids of your own some day?" I ask.
Benedict shrugs. "I am sure when I finally marry children will follow."
"But do you want children?" I ask.
Anthony walks over and puts his hand on Benedict's shoulder. "Go dance with your sister."
"Why?" Benedict questions.
"Because I asked you to!" Anthony tells him. He pushes Benedict forward towards the dance floor.
"Hello to you too, Brother," I tease. "Benedict and I were having a lovely conversation before you pushed him away."
"I do not have time for your remarks right now, Beatrice," Anthony states.
"By all means. I see you are very busy staring at the Duke," I tease. Anthony starts to walk towards the Duke. "Anthony, do not do whatever it is you are planning."
"I would just like a word with the Duke," Anthony tells me.
I continue to walk after him. "Anthony."
"Perhaps I was unclear this morning," Anthony says to the Duke.
"Is it your wish for me to insult your sister, Bridgerton?" the Duke questions.

fly to the time of day//simon basset
Fanfictionfly to the time of day: wise to the ways of the world Beatrice "Betty" Blackmore is certainly wise to the ways of the world. At twenty seven she is widowed with one son. She has moved back in with her family with the hopes of giving her son the best...